I have read the thread. I find it much easier now I'm manly and meaty than I did when I was a weakling. Simple as.
As per my earlier post, the mathematics are too simplistic, and don't take into account other variables in power transmission and are badly flawed as a consequence.
You may also recall the final part of the closing sentence of my last post, where I suggest the truth is perhaps somewhere in between the poor mathematics and my bulging quads - I mean, c'mon, have you not read the thread?
If I deploy (keeping the maths simple) 100NM of torque in the same time you apply only 80, I will go faster. If I apply 80 like you do, I'm potentially activating less muscle fibres, so it certainly won't feel so hard as my muscles are using less of their structure. Now, the energy expenditure will be the same, so someone with a better diet that mine may have an edge. Similarly, that muscle mass is just that - mass to be carried about, which requires more power. Then there is the mechanics of the power application in the pedal stroke, mechanical inefficiencies, the length of the riders bones compared to their muscle mass, even wind resistance between riders if differing sizes, so the variables to considerate very varied. Comparing just a muscle is far, far too simplistic, and leaving aside all the variables mentioned above the simple fact is a big muscle can do more 'work' in the same period of time. Come up the gym with me one evening (if you're I've 16 it'd be my pleasure to have you as a guest) and we can actually the measur of your muskets output, and do some experiments on endurance to boot.
As a slightly tongue in cheek aside, it always seems to be the week and weedy who have such a strong opinion about what muscles can't do. Those of us that have some don't seem to have these problems.