Why don't you post on Society, Culture & Politics?

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Über Member
I have found that here are 3 very dangerous areas to start any form of discussion (unless you really understand them) and these are as follows in no particular order 1 religion 2 football and finally 3 politics. So with this in mind I only pop onto those threads occasionally and yes you can learn a lot from it !


Norven Mankey
If you look back a few months I tried to develop a discussion on exactly this subject. I posted there a bit but I was put off by the insulting nature of some of the regular posters and what seemed to me to be a left of centre cohort that shouted down differing viewpoints.

I've changed my opinion on the cohort. The right of centre bunch there are just as bad.

But the reality is that I would only be interested in engaging in a discussion if I felt there was any possibility that what I said could change the opinion of others. I will happily enter a discussion with an open mind. Unfortunately that seems not to be the case in SC&P. I know how 99.9% of regular posters there will engage with a particular topic and it's all so predictable. Very occasionally I will post something if I have some relevant experience that I can enlighten people with. Otherwise I don't bother these days


West Somerset
I think it's brilliant that people on non-political forums (fora?) are passionate about subjects that go beyond the remit of the site. Cycling is what bring us together on CC but we're more than just cyclists and the wide range of topics discussed and debated in the OT sub-forums is evidence of that.

Personally speaking, however, as much as I value the involvement of my peers in debating current affairs, it's not for me as any kind of conflict triggers a drop in my mood. It's something I'm working on but I know my limits!


I pop in occasionally to see what's occurring, but I'm not tempted to spend a great deal of time there. Too much squabbling; too little open-mindedness, or respect for other opinions. It's all too relentlessly adversarial for my taste. Can't imagine I'd ever be enlightened, or that my opinions on anything that matters would be changed, any more than anyone else's seem to be.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I stray in there by mistake from time to time, they are not a nice bunch of internet experts. I bet most are pussy cats in the real world.
I have no intention of finding out!
I am actually happy that SCP exists; it's good to have a ghetto where "they" can all hang out to do their thing without infiltrating other areas. I have seen a good motorcycle forum ruined by those types venting on the general board, when there should have been a wee corner opened up for them to argue among themselves.​


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
I don't go there because it's a cycling forum, in the main. A fun and friendly one apparently, as long as you don't wander innocently into SC&P.
Discussion forums for any other subjects of interest are available in other places elsewhere, SC&P just doesn't sit well here to me, so I ignore it.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think it's brilliant that people on non-political forums (fora?) are passionate about subjects that go beyond the remit of the site. Cycling is what bring us together on CC but we're more than just cyclists and the wide range of topics discussed and debated in the OT sub-forums is evidence of that.

Personally speaking, however, as much as I value the involvement of my peers in debating current affairs, it's not for me as any kind of conflict triggers a drop in my mood. It's something I'm working on but I know my limits!
Indeed - I can get depressed without their help!


Leg End Member
I enjoy reading some of the threads, some are very interesting, it does surprise me how much "hate" there is amongst certain posters, and no matter what is written/wrote the slanging match is inevitable and thats when an interesting topic goes a drift...
on a personal note, I really only comment on Ireland and as an Irish nationalist/republican, I get called an apologist but this is usually a cop out by fools who know nothing of my country and its history.....;)^_^
Like Napoleon was actually beaten by an Irishman?


Leg End Member
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