It wasn't a frivalous question and I'm glad theclaude that you now appear to appreciate that. This Country is becoming so PC that its almost impossible to discuss anything without offending somebody. Its all too silly for words imo. Schools unable to have Christmas trees because it might offend some religious minorities ?
Andy I was trying to describe the width of the bite size not jaw or mouth ,. Its difficult to put into words but I am talking about the width of the teeth setting in the jawbone
Anyway to stay on topic I'm beginning to feel that the current trend for teeth whitening is probably partly to blame for my observation about jaw sizes . Pure white teeth certainly look pretty spectacular, if rather false, but I think they may actually make the bite size appear larger than it really is much the same way as white cars always appear larger.
Theclaude why do you state so catagorically that the jaw size of women on average has not increased is the past 5 decades ? have you any scientific evidence for this statement? I was merely putting forward my question based on my observations to hopefully generate some discussion and possibly some information sources.
Last month I read an article in National Geo and watched an absolutely fascinating program about the origins of Neanderthals and the influence on our genetic evolution. Completely new evidence and research has thrown previous thinking on its head and I bet 99% of folk are completely unaware of it. If I was to say to you that current thinking is that we partially evolved from Neanderthals and their genetic makeup is incorporated in our modern gene pool you would probably say 'huh ridiculuous !'