why does the fairer sex have bigger mouths?

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
Peanut, TV is all about visual physical cues and attractiveness. A full, straight, big glistening whiter-than-white smile is hugely popular with TV execs (and Americans)

Our TV, so sadly following American lead, is just following suit like a lost puppy.

Apparantly no-one wants to look on TV at a complete minger with teeth like a vandalised graveyard.

theclaud, no-one wants you to shut up (or put anything in your mouth).

Yes, all sorts of innuendo can be read into this thread, but just rise above it, or join in, just don't get wound up by it, it's not worth it.


theclaud said:
Oh well, that's alright then. There must be some finer intellectual point that I am missing. Or it might be that in the space of barely two pages this idiotic thread has managed to be about women talking too much, needing to be shut up (preferably by having your cock stuck in their mouth), being the dutiful housewife, being empty-headed painted bimbos, and being reduced to sex objects. Outstanding. Congratulations. Yes, I intend to disrupt the thread - presumably you would like me to shut up?

I can't be responsible for the responses to my serious question can I ? I bet you have never been sarcastic, facetious,or made a joke at another person's expense have you?

The thing that most pisses me off with your sort of self-rightious comment is that you are not even handed enough to point out the same sexism against men are you.
My personal view is you are being discriminatory in singling out men
Women don't need you to speak for them anyway they are perfectly able to speak for themselves these days.


BigonaBianchi said:
...ever noticed how only good looking women get the news jobs and weather while the ugly ones have to do the traffic?

I've noticed that the weather has got longer and longer lately. Its almost a show in its own right now:laugh:


Vice Admiral
ComedyPilot said:
Yes, all sorts of innuendo can be read into this thread, but just rise above it, or join in, just don't get wound up by it, it's not worth it.

Well said. :biggrin::ohmy:

I like in your endo, and if it goes too far (which some threads do, but not this one,) then I just discretely move away (not read it).
BigonaBianchi said:
...ever noticed how only good looking women get the news jobs and weather while the ugly ones have to do the traffic?

It's the new 'red light district' :evil:


Openly Marxist
peanut said:
I can't be responsible for the responses to my serious question can I ?

I suppose not, peanut, but the validity of the question escapes me. I'll indulge you by addressing it anyway. Why do women have big mouths? Er... they don't. They don't have bigger teeth than men either - in fact they tend to be smaller. But mostly, it takes very expert eyes to distinguish between male and female skulls. But then you never seriously believed in the premise of your question anyway, did you?

The thing that most pisses me off with your sort of self-rightious comment is that you are not even handed enough to point out the same sexism against men are you.
My personal view is you are being discriminatory in singling out men

If I thought women on this board were being gratuitously unpleasant, either about men or about other women, I would say so. Perhaps you would like to point me to the equivalent threads that are "sexist" about men, so that I can comment? Beyond that, I would simply point out that your understanding of sexual politics is very simplistic - sexism is not a level playing field in which the sexes get to be nasty about each other and then complain about it - it is a historically persistent matter of inequality and discrimination against women. The thread (with apologies to chuffy, Speicher and possibly richp), reads like a misogynist trope-generator after the Speak You're Branes fashion - the thread, and the tropes, are about women, not men, so stop trying to evade the issue with silly and irrelevant accusations of man-hating.

Women don't need you to speak for them anyway they are perfectly able to speak for themselves these days.

I'm speaking only for myself, and I am a woman. Luckily I don't assume that you speak for all men, and I notice this thread is not very popular, so reassuringly, it seem that lots of them simply don't want to participate in this way of talking about women either.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
I blame this mega gob trend on whatever fool it was who decided that Angeline Jolie is good looking. Given that the media seems to be dominated by band wagon jumpers as opposed to people capable of thought, her fame has probably led to a bull market in big gobbed birds.

Does that answer the question in the OP?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'd assume it was an image thing - to get on in telly, especially as a presenter (as opposed to an expert in something like cooking or wildlife), you do better if you have a big flashy grin. Since women tend (I think historically, although it's perhaps evening out now) to be judged on appearance more than men, it's more noticable.

Not that I've noticed it myself, but then I don't watch many programmes that have presenters, I tend to stick to drama and documentary.


Well-Known Member
:whistle:Hmmm..I dunno . We don't half talk about some strange things on here don't we? STill, nufink wrong with that


theclaud said:
I suppose not, peanut, but the validity of the question escapes me. I'll indulge you by addressing it anyway. Why do women have big mouths? Er... they don't. They don't have bigger teeth than men either - in fact they tend to be smaller. But mostly, it takes very expert eyes to distinguish between male and female skulls. But then you never seriously believed in the premise of your question anyway, did you?

If I thought women on this board were being gratuitously unpleasant, either about men or about other women, I would say so. Perhaps you would like to point me to the equivalent threads that are "sexist" about men, so that I can comment? Beyond that, I would simply point out that your understanding of sexual politics is very simplistic - sexism is not a level playing field in which the sexes get to be nasty about each other and then complain about it - it is a historically persistent matter of inequality and discrimination against women. The thread (with apologies to chuffy, Speicher and possibly richp), reads like a misogynist trope-generator after the Speak You're Branes fashion - the thread, and the tropes, are about women, not men, so stop trying to evade the issue with silly and irrelevant accusations of man-hating.

I'm speaking only for myself, and I am a woman. Luckily I don't assume that you speak for all men, and I notice this thread is not very popular, so reassuringly, it seem that lots of them simply don't want to participate in this way of talking about women either.

I don't know,......... you can't ask a serious question about anything these days without some militant minority group being offended and getting their knickers in a twist.:biggrin: I genuinely thought that you were a bloke :laugh:,not a feminist by any chance are you ?:biggrin:


Well you lot haven't been too helpful :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Don't you ever ask yourselves difficult questions that can't be answered ???

I'm determined to investigate this phenomena. Its kind of a bit like asking why the average human height has been steadily increasing in the past 4-5 decades ? in terms of our evolution 50 years is a single heartbeat in a timeline of a whole lifetime
quick search on the net has revealed this site

seems I'm not the only person to notice this trend.
Not read it through yet. Its probably some simplistic bolywood rubbish .
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