Well you know what? I don't give a s*** what the boffins tell us about how super HD is. These same people told us that CD was 'pure perfect sound' back in 1983 and they were talking crap then. It took those of us who trusted our ears about three seconds to figure that out, and other boffins about two decates to figure out why. They could have saved themselves as lot of work if they'd just listened to the blasted things! But hey, if the numbers say it's better then it must be, right?
We don't have digital ears, or eyes, and our analogue ears and eyes can pick up nuances that the lab coats haven't even figured out how to measure yet.
The other week we were in HMV or Zavi in Glasgow and they had a display promoting HD. A big Sony HD flat-screen on a stand with an HD player feeding it the Transformers movie. Great film, we've watched it loads of times, and it was obvious to all of us that it didn't look as good as in does on our old Trinitron CRT from plain vanilla DVD. Sure, it was bright, sharp and whatever other technobable adjectives you want to use, but it was wrong. Just as CD sounds wrong, if you light it up with enough resolution, so do LCD televisions. The colours look wrong, the contrast looks wrong, the movement looks wrong. They make life look like a cartoon.
Last night we were at a concert/tutorial by a drummer called Dave Weckl and to help the audience see what he was doing there were two huge LCD TVs either side of the stage with cameras looking from above and to the side of him. Even he said that the pictures drove him mad! There was a delay, so that the pictures were out of time with his drumming, and the stick movements looked wrong. A bit like watching football on most LCD TV sets, the movement dosn't flow properly and it looks unatural. He apologised and said he'd asked the tech guy but couldn't be fixed. If it had been an analogue system it would've worked. Progress?
In Currys on Saturday they had another HD display. They had a big TV showing parts of films and nature programs that had a white line down the middle with normal TV/DVD on one side and HD on the other. My son said to me about the normal side "I've never seen TV that blurred before". It looked like it had been doctored to look worse and even at that the differences were all but invisible from eight-feet away.
People will buy anything if you hype it enough.