When you do come across one that is accurate then how will you know?
I won't - because I'm not actually interested in looking for one. I don't tend to get hung up on calories...
When you do come across one that is accurate then how will you know?
Try a high carb weekend every few weeks to boost your energy levels up, i read it somewhere on line and thought id give it a go and it worked for me.
Well i tried it and it worked for me, so reel it back in.
but regardless of what you might think - if you actually consider what you're saying - it's just rubbish.
Try a high carb weekend every few weeks to boost your energy levels up, i read it somewhere on line and thought id give it a go and it worked for me.
Grow upWhat I love about that statement is that you could substitute pretty much anything instead of ''high carb'' into that sentence, and it would have just as much meaning.
How about this one:
Try a Colombian marching powder weekend every few weeks to boost your energy levels up, i read it somewhere on line and thought id give it a go and it worked for me.
Grow up
Actually i read it in mens fitness magazine, but im guessing you know more about this than everyone else, lucky you for knowing everything about nothing.
mate - we aren't the ones posting random anecdotes gleaned from lifestyle magazines - you are. Like I said, just think about what you are saying.
Seriously, can you explain the purpose of a 'high carb diet every few weekends'..?? And how exactly will it 'boost your energy levels'..?
You can't post stuff like that and expect it to go unchallenged.