Ghost Donkey
I went for my ride yesterday and i had dead legs (no energy) and the wind was bad, i had my tea had my supper, 15 mins later i was starving, went to bed, had the biggest bowl of cereal in the morning and was still hungry half an hour later, had a banana some tomatoes went on my ride and im still starving, i had to have a baked spud after the ride something i have not had in years, had my tea and im still hungry, i have never had this before and i ride everyday except for every other Sunday, i have been losing weight slowly but surely was 15 stone in June when i started down to 14 St 4 lbs, i have been doing 18.5 miles a day at roughly an hour long (i try and treat every ride like a TT) is this just a case of i have tipped the scales of using more calories and not eating enough for myself and energy used, i don't have anything wrong with me or feel ill or anything.
Would you say this is the type of food you eat when you constantly feel hungry? Cereals, bananas, potatoes, starchy carbs? If so they're all good for energy for exercise, especially straight after exercise, but do you eat much in the way of protein and fat as well during your day? High carbs can have an effect of constant hunger especially if you don't consume enough protein and fat. I've got no idea of your usual food intake and don't want to make assumptions. If you don't have a lot already perhaps consider adding more protein and fat to your diet. Breakfast cereal is not good for filling you up and the added (fortified with) vitamins are better found in real food. I still like porridge mind. There's various figures around for recommended protein intake such as 0.7 - 1g of protein per day for each pound of lean body weight you have. A nice mish mash of metric and imperial there!