Who Still Takes A Peek At BR?

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Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
Chuffy said:
Hurling homophobic and sexist abuse at a complete stranger? Yeah, what a lovely bloke. :eek:

I don't want to dwell too much on criticising BR because we are now moving on and looking to what can best serve this place, but there is a nasty homophobic vibe amongst some MTB forums (e.g. the whole XC jey/gay boy thing). Frankly I find it very depressing coming from a bunch of self-styled young and laid back people.

Nice to see no sign of it here and long may that continue.


New Member
Its the sheer dominance of the MTB posters thats driven/driving me away.
I used to browse through the active topics in all the sections of C+ and read those threads that caught my eye. Now its a struggle to find anything that isn't related to the dark side.
I also agree about some of the moderating. The moderators appear to be predominantly MTB riders, and known to the posters from the other forums.
It began to feel that C+ posters were strangers in their own forum. The level of abuse and obvious negative attitude is both depressing and juvenile.
On a positive note the non forum side of the site seems quite good.
I'm coming from the same place as barq with this one. An mtb'er who has deserted mtb forums because the dominant way of interacting seemed to be about insulting people and adopting a holier than thou attitude. There are some mtb forums where there is a sense of irony attached to the insults and so they're very very funny (eg on chocolate foot forum), but this is lost in bike radar IMO.

I think areas of the bike radar forum may have their uses for specific technical issues or questions and I may still use it for that. But for the sense of community I stay here.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
I know the MTB bit of this site is a little 'quiet' at the moment, but I think a lot of riders here don't see themselves as exclusively as either roady or mtb.

Loads of people enjoy both and if you are keen to really develop your bike handling skills and fitness, then doing both is pretty much essential. Even in the pro ranks, the division between the various disciplines is becoming more blurred. Old Chicken Legs reckons that after he has finished his yellow jersey bid in France at the moment, he will probably start preparing for the Mtb races in the 08 Olympics.

If I had to prioritise the saving of my bikes from a burning basement, I would probably pull my Hewitt from the flames first. Partly because I have had it the longest but also because of it's versatility. (It's toured, been on race training camp, done PBP and the offroad Hell of the North Cotswolds). But I would also make a big effort to go back in and fetch my Santa Cruz Superlight.
Kirstie said:
There are some mtb forums where there is a sense of irony attached to the insults and so they're very very funny (eg on chocolate foot forum), but this is lost in bike radar IMO.
Exactly, that kind of thing only works if you and the insultee know each other (in a hangingaroundonline sense) really well. Doesn't work on complete strangers.
Now that Chat is a lot 'livelier' I spend more time here (and it's more like C+), but I also spend a bit of time on BR (as do a few others here). I don't have much interest in the MTB bit so I don't go there - straight onto road for me. It's a bit dead now cos nearly everyone I'm likely to recognise is over here (and some are at another forum that I spend time on), but I don't have a problem with anyone posting anywhere, the fora are all different just like people and I'll talk to anyone who fancies a bit of fun, answer my queries (or even give the benefit of any of my experience/expertise :blush: etc. I can't see any value in slagging one forum off in another one - comments/opinions (and perhaps a few 'in' jokes). I intend to continue to use them all :eek: .


It honestly seems dead as a dead dog at the moment. Far from the political hot potato of the military-style invasion of the MTB crew this thread would have one believe, I find the only things to have been posted in soapbox for at least a whole 24 hours have been:

SimonL2: whoops!
Yorkshireman: Sorry didn't see you there ... were you hiding?
Tourist Tony: I was at a gig......
Yorkshireman: Plenty of room here for a gig, jig, gag ...


Yorkshireman: Hup! and Over! ... To your tame reconstituted Mammoth.
Tourist Tony: Or is it a mastodon?
Yorkshireman: Or a shaven hybrid?

Great. Really stimulating debate and witty, amusing commentary going on there. Keep it up guys. (No offence to Yorkshireman and T**tty-Tone, though, at least they're trying!)
Mind you even this place seems to be a little sluggish getting off the ground today. Has there not been any controversies?


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
Chuffy]Exactly said:
well. Doesn't work on complete strangers.

I pretty much agree with that, although I think the dominant culture of the forum also influences things. I know most people on here but even with those I don't, my default position is to assume humour was intended where things seem ambiguous. That's a nice position to be in - hence this place being my new home. :eek:[/i]
barq said:
my default position is to assume humour was intended where things seem ambiguous.
So we can assume that your barq is worse than your bite?

Anyone seen my coat?
Oy! Bonj I've also helped a bloke out with his gears/cadence/technique, answered a question in Touring, put another bloke on the straight and narrow re removing his cassette, had a poke in Campaign, enjoyed a bit of wit and repartee :blush: with NickeLarse (after 'explaining' the error of his ways re attitude), I'm 'putting it about' a bit (as are Simon, Tony, you and a few others ... It's still a bit hard finding everything, but I'm getting there :eek: .


Yorkshireman said:
Oy! Bonj I've also helped a bloke out with his gears/cadence/technique, answered a question in Touring, put another bloke on the straight and narrow re removing his cassette, had a poke in Campaign, enjoyed a bit of wit and repartee :blush: with NickeLarse (after 'explaining' the error of his ways re attitude), I'm 'putting it about' a bit (as are Simon, Tony, you and a few others ... It's still a bit hard finding everything, but I'm getting there :eek: .

I meant that's all there's been in soapbox, sure you're doing great elsewhere, keep up the good work.
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