Who on here as been knocked out....as in competely sparked ?

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Slight change of pace, but related. A number or us from work once went to watch a footy match at which a friendly sergeantnwas playing. One player elbowed another in the face quite nastily, and was most surprised when 3 off duty coppers walked on and nicked him on suspicion of assault GBH.

Rest days, 4 hours at double time each, and he got charged as well. A good win for the home team,
So if you're bad you get booked, if you're really bad you get sent off, and if you're really really bad you get nicked. Peep!


Sadly, my oppoent was 6'9", a massive great lad who bore a surprising resemblance to Michael Clarke Duncan. Now I know how Apollo Creed felt when he stepped in the ring with Ivan Drago.
Reminds me of a boxing match in Spike Milligan's 'Adolf Hitler - my part in his downfall' where Spike's regiment's appointed warrior says, on first seeing his opponent, "I'm not fighting that till I 'ear it talk'.
School cricket pitch, aged twelve so a VERY long time ago...
Previous bat had been caught right on the boundary. The celebrations over, he threw the ball unerringly at the receiving wicket, just as my head intersected the path of the ball. Vaguely remember the impact. Woke up, probably only a few seconds later, and touched the big wobbly lump on my head, which promptly split, leaving a very satisfactory bloodstain on the playing field for some time after. Off to the local A&E, which was not actually very local, and had two stitches in me bonce. I swear there's a dent in my skull...


Legendary Member
One funny thing about my recovery from the head injury is that I used to faint....but only when my body was nearly - but not quite - horizontal! So what would happen is standing up/sitting down, no problem at all but when I began to lie down, I could feel myself losing consciousness until, flat out on the mattress, I'd be flat out in both senses of the phrase. As I got more used to it, it would come later and later in the actual process of lying down so there were times I'd be conscious of becoming unconscious, if that makes sense? I'd be lying there and could feel the incipient blackout taking over right up until the time I decided to fight back and resist it and it hasn't bothered me since.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
When I was in hospital with my first blood clot, a nurse pointed out to me that I was holding my breath while she was taking readings and sticking needles into my arm. One of the readings was my blood oxygen saturation. Since my pulmonary artery was imitating a black pudding at the time my reading started off low and got more dangerously low by the second!

I was completely unaware that I was doing it but have paid more attention since then and discovered that - sure enough - when I get anxious I just stop breathing! Either I stop feeling anxious and take a breath, or I eventually black out... :wacko:

I found the best solution for me was to keep blethering on while the dreaded needles are being stuck in, tests are done, whatever. It is pretty hard to talk for long without breathing, and it is pretty hard to come up with fresh b*ll*cks to say if you are busy thinking about scary medical procedures! :laugh:


When I was 6 ish I swapped my front and back brake cables round (god knows why!). Forgot all about it then went to do a skid later on and woke up in back of an ambulance on way to hospital :laugh:.

Knocked my self out mountain biking as well, carried on but was away with the fairies for most of it.

Knocked myself out getting off a bus and managed to split my head open, another trip to hospital.

I've split my head open a few times as well but not been knocked out surprisingly, bloody black ice..
I’ve come close to KOing myself out through stupid things like spending too long in a sauna and then standing up and blacking out or having a hot bath. As it turns out it was because my iron levels were too low; only picked it up when I was rejected for blood donation as my levels were too low to donate but not low enough for it to be anemia. It’s a slow process seeing your vision slowly go black and temporarily losing control of your balance/limbs. Luckily as it’s gradual I can rest against a wall or something but it’s rather satisfying to do put oneself into that state 😂😜.

Only time I have ever KO’d myself was when I commuted by bike to work and the end of my road had black ice, slid on the ice and hit the deck. My helmet took the impact as it was squashed, still got myself back on the bike and rode in but had a banging headache for a few days.


“ Only time I have ever KO’d myself was when I commuted by bike to work and the end of my road had black ice, slid on the ice and hit the deck. "

And Davids knock out number 4 ;

So i’m riding along the mineral trail that runs along Derne Valley, February.
Tarmac surface.
I come upon 2 teenagers on motorbikes on the cycle path, unregistered, no doubt uninsured, helmets on heads fags in mouth ... As i rode past them i think .
“ Scumbags “..... I ride on...

500 metres later i’m down, black ice ...Left hip and head impact.
I loose consciousness, less than 1 minute ...
I come round to the sound of racing 2 strokes and the squeal of disc brakes.
"Stay still mate"
“Don't move"
"Any spinal pain"
"Can you move your toes"
"Stay still, and don't worry we’re first aiders"
(WTF !)
The two young “scumbags” had come to my rescue and helped me back to my feet and accompanied me back to the car.
They did first aid at school and where a credit to themselves ...

Todays Lesson ...
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I knocked myself out back in about 1978 when I came off a downhill skateboard at speed, I picked up a speed wobble and lost control, I was out for about 45 minutes.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Just remembered, in the late 1970's when me and a few mates were into Punk Rock it was fashionable to pierce your ears. Not like they do now in tattoo and piercing shops, but by yourself or get a mate to do it. One lad did mine with an ice cube to supposedly deaden the feeling and a big bodkin needle! :ohmy:


All I remember is the cracking noise it made as it penetrated my ear lobe then ZONK I was out!! When I came round the first thing I asked was "Did you do it"? Sadly he didn't, saying "no, I spent a minute slapping you to bring you round"! :wacko:
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Just remembered, in the late 1970's when me and a few mates were into Punk Rock it was fashionable to pierce your ears. Not like they do now in tattoo and piercing shops, but by yourself or get a mate to do it. One lad did mine with an ice cube to supposedly deaden the feeling and a big bodkin needle! :ohmy:

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Haven't you forgotten the bit where you flaked out when the needle went in...? :whistle:


I knocked myself out back in about 1978 when I came off a downhill skateboard at speed, I picked up a speed wobble and lost control, I was out for about 45 minutes.
You should have tightened the trucks up before you set off .^_^... Had major gravel rash myself after coming off my skateboard on the tarmac path from Galley Hilly to Glyne Gap at Bexhill on Sea .... 1996 .....:rolleyes:
ps ... I invented the skateboard ! I was making them for myself and friends in Bangor Northern Ireland in the summer of 1969 ... I was 11 ...
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