Who knows the youngest Dick

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Firm and Fruity
Certain names go out of fashion for obvious reasons. My Dad’s friend Dick is 80 today.
It got me thinking whether anyone actively chooses the name Dick these days, when you can be Richard, Rick or Ricky.
The youngest Dick I can think of is Dick Strawbridge 64 ( who I suspect is a bit of a dick)
So over to you. Who knows the youngest Dick. But they have to be known as their main name by choice.

I will also accept Willy and Fanny.
I will also accept Willy and Fanny.

Drago has a thread for that sort of thing!


Legendary Member
It's more of an American nickname, less common here although it was about in times of yore and we have the occasional one such as the aforementioned Dick Strawbridge.

On one team I was on in the Dibble there were three Richard's and it seemed likely one would end up as Dick or Dickie, but in the end we settled on Richie Big Beard, Richie Small Beard and Richie No Beard.
I knew a kid at school known as Diccon. I guess that could be changed to Dick, he was a bit of a Richard!!! He would be 51 now.

Deidre and Daphne is not common these days. What's the youngest Daphne you know?
Where I served my apprenticeship, I had three colleagues called Dick, youngest would be pushing 70 now I guess.

My own name, Frank, I thought of as not being all that common, but it turns up very often in films and TV dramas for some reason.

I'm known as Fran/Franny by my immediate family.


Heavy Metal Fan
I've only known one Dick. He used to drive the digger for my uncle. He would be mid/late 70s now I think
When I was 11/12 the only kid from my school that lived near me was a Richard
He was also the only person who got the same bus home as I did

He was never known as Dick
If you knew him you would understand why - it just would not suit him

Never known another one

although have have known a fair few dicks in my time!!
(hmm - not sure I phrased that right???)


Über Member
My brother's Dick always has been, never Richard, he's 69 now. We both worked with another chap called Dick, he'd be in his late seventies now. There was a lad in school also called Dicky, he was very cool. Last I heard of him he was living in a commune in Skelmersdale, that would have been around 1976.


Legendary Member
There was a sports masseur (stop it) called Dick who was regularly coming (I SAID STOP IT) to our workplace not long ago.
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