Who hates the wind?

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New Member
Wind destroys my soul some days...what I tend to do now is on real windy days take the mountain bike out the trees around the chase are good wind cover and on the flatter routes I can pedal consistently at speed


I prefer hills to head winds, at least you can see the top! I got caught with some nasty side winds today as well, it can get a bit scary being buffeted from the side with passing traffic.


Well-Known Member
South Shields
Yeah the wind was horrendous for is. The first 20 miles into the wind was hard work. The way back was much easier with the wind behind us. We were flying.


Legendary Member
I hate the wind. Always a head wind on the way into work, (travelling westwards, 20 miles worth). By the time I go home it's dropped or changed direction. Bah !!! :evil:

I often consider turning round, and cycling with a tail wind until I get blown into the sea, whereapon I would happily drown rather than face another headwind.

I've just re-read this. Maybe I should see a shrink. :eek:

Fiona N

I don't mind a headwind so much - it just a case of knuckling down and pedalling* :biggrin: but what I really hate are those sneaky cross winds that blast out of nowhere and threaten to take your front wheel out.

* I do have form here - when I used to race in Western Australia, my usual early morning training session was to head 40km north up the coast on the main road directly into the headwind, turn around at the far end and blast back for breakfast. It always used to intrigue me how I could never quite make up the time loss on the return that I lost on the way out, compared to still days. So the windier it was, the harder I'd work trying to close the gap - great training of both body and mind :rolleyes:

Today's commute involved trying not to be blown sideways (I think I agree with those who hate crosswinds even more than tailwinds)...almost went over at one point when a big gust caught me. Doesn't help that the last 0.5 mile or so is very open and exposed. xx(


Well-Known Member
Yeastrday I had a good example of what I hate, wind wise!

Reasonable head wind on the way out to my desired turning point, that got stronger a I rode along (including a bloody high bridge!!), 'HA' thought I......a really good workout now, but nice and easy on the return leg!

Was it balls!

Soon as I turned so did the wind!

How does it know??
Yeastrday I had a good example of what I hate, wind wise!

Reasonable head wind on the way out to my desired turning point, that got stronger a I rode along (including a bloody high bridge!!), 'HA' thought I......a really good workout now, but nice and easy on the return leg!

Was it balls!

Soon as I turned so did the wind!

How does it know??

It can make you quite paranoid :sad: .
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