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Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Chuffy said:
He sounds lovely....:ohmy:

Just one question. What makes you think the other directors don't do similar? Just a thought and not a nice one either.

And how do you know all this? :blush:

He is not a director
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
He is not a director but the UK manager so is seriously taking the piss.

I was told the information by our office manager "in confidence" who is rather talkative as he is emigrating to New Zealand this weekend.
Ah right, I'd assumed that he was also a director. My caveats still apply though...
In that case you're going to be a bit skinny on the evidence front. Unless your talkative friend has it in a format that he is willing and able to give it to you. 'Something that a bloke told me' isn't going to be enough. Which raises the obvious question, if he's off to NZ and is (presumably) leaving the company then why can't he do the deed?


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Chuffy said:
Ah right, I'd assumed that he was also a director. My caveats still apply though...
In that case you're going to be a bit skinny on the evidence front. Unless your talkative friend has it in a format that he is willing and able to give it to you. 'Something that a bloke told me' isn't going to be enough. Which raises the obvious question, if he's off to NZ and is (presumably) leaving the company then why can't he do the deed?

I asked him this however he says he just does not want the hassle and as he has not got a job lined up yet in NZ thinks that it could hinder him if he wants a job reference at a later stage.

I believe however that he has a copy of a credit card statement :blush:
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
I asked him this however he says he just does not want the hassle and as he has not got a job lined up yet in NZ thinks that it could hinder him if he wants a job reference at a later stage.

I believe however that he has a copy of a credit card statement :blush:
Fairy snuff, I guessed that might be the case. Doesn't help you much though.

Credit card statement? Hmmm. It's not a lot to go on is it? I'm starting to think that maybe you don't need the aggro either. If you don't have a shedload of hard evidence of this bloke's dodgy dealings then I think you're on a hiding to nothing. Frustrating, but that's life unfortunately...


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Chuffy said:
Fairy snuff, I guessed that might be the case. Doesn't help you much though.

Credit card statement? Hmmm. It's not a lot to go on is it? I'm starting to think that maybe you don't need the aggro either. If you don't have a shedload of hard evidence of this bloke's dodgy dealings then I think you're on a hiding to nothing. Frustrating, but that's life unfortunately...

It's not right though and given that this ***** wants to make cuts in our office whilst spending on himself like the Sultan of Brunai really gets my goat and I am not going to let this lie. I think it is going to be the e mail from a stooge account.
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
It's not right though and given that this ***** wants to make cuts in our office whilst spending on himself like the Sultan of Brunai really gets my goat and I am not going to let this lie. I think it is going to be the e mail from a stooge account.
Fair point and I feel your pain, I really do. But I wouldn't get your hopes up of getting the resolution you desire. But good luck and I hope you do succeed in nailing him.


Legendary Member
I think you need to be very careful.

Are you sure your company doesn't allow senior manger to put such expenses on their credit card as unofficial, and non taxable, perks?

Also, how did you come across the info about your manage? Were you spying on him or did you see his credit card statement as part of your normal work. If the latter it puts you in a stronger position.

If what your manage is doing is definitely against company policy, and you can show you weren't vindictively spying on him, I think you should try a personal approach to an appropriate director. You should say you feel very awkward about approaching him, but have inadvertently come across some information you think he should know about. Just give him enough detail so he can conduct his own investigation, and try and keep everything factual so it doesn't appear that you are out to get your manager. Obviously ask that the conversation be treated as confidential, but keep detailed notes about the discussion in case there is any comeback on you later.

Personally if I was one of your directors I would treat a personal approach far more seriously than an an anonymous email, and respect the person who had the courage to approach me directly about this kind of issue.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Danny G No these expenses are definatly not legit, not sure of any company that would let you clock up 12 grand to ladbrokes on a company credit card. I was told this information in confidence by my current boss who is emigrating this weekend.

decisions decisions :blush:


Re member eR
[quote I was told this information in confidence by my current boss who is emigrating this weekend.


Just an idea.... What about getting your current boss to blow the whistle on him as his parting shot?

If he isn't willing to do it then what about approaching the director who you are on good terms with and ask him 'hypothetically' how he would feel about an employee using the company card for gambling?

He might just say .....Oh yeah great idea we all do that. (unlikely)

More likely he would ask : What have you heard? Are we talking about someone we both know?
A way out would be to say well check all company cards and see what you find.

Then it wouldn't exactly be you who were spilling the beans if it came out in a check up of all cards.

Might be a chickens way out but on the other hand you might still get brownie points.


I really don't envy you your position. If I were you I wouldn't do it by email - I'd type out a few telling facts (literally - don't tell the story, no prose, just a list of eg, 'new alloy wheels - £700' etc, followed by 'company Mastercard') and the ********'s name on a sheet of A4, put it in an envelope, with 'for addressee only' on the envelope and the name of an appropriate top dog and have it posted by your Aunt who lives in Scotland. All that's really necessary is that the recipient is convinced enough to follow it up - the rest will take care of itself. And your anonymity is guaranteed.


Re member eR
Just had another idea about this.

You could stand in the middle of the office and accuse him in a LOUD voice of being a cheat and a thief. Do it in front of everyone you can gather there including a director or two.
(it's called the 'shoot or bust' gambit)

Stand back and see what happens.

Another idea depending on how much of an upright citizen you are...............blackmail the tw4t.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
colly said:
Just had another idea about this.

You could stand in the middle of the office and accuse him in a LOUD voice of being a cheat and a thief. Do it in front of everyone you can gather there including a director or two.
(it's called the 'shoot or bust' gambit)

Stand back and see what happens.

Another idea depending on how much of an upright citizen you are...............blackmail the tw4t.

All directors are based in a different country so that option is out. Blackmail would make me as bad as him :blush:


Re member eR
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
All directors are based in a different country so that option is out. Blackmail would make me as bad as him :blush:

Clearly a man of principle then. Revert to suggestion 1 :ohmy:


Legendary Member
I'd second Colly's Suggestion 1 if that is an option.

If he is not prepared to blow the whistle I would do some combination of the following:

1. Find out why he isn't prepared to say anything.
2. Make sure he has seen really seen evidence of the credit card being abused - as opposed to him just repeating rumours he may have heard.
3. Try and get him to provide you with documentary evidence if possible.

Bottom line is that you are going to be accusing someone of theft, and you need to be 100% sure that the accusation is valid.
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