Which would you choose - ?

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All at sea⛵
Not a scam then. Just poorly researched and implemented scheme in a time of hardship. Perhaps a triumph of desperation over likely results. Easy to criticise from our perspective, but it's hard to imagine living in a time of rationing and little consumer choice, with the post war economy going down the tubes, and a need to make something positive out of the resources of a disappearing empire.

I did live in that time and even then it was no fun. Endless "Not um Brot", sugar, eggs, meat, margarine, butter, weird bread regulations, sweets and so on.


The reason that palm oil is used is that it has ten times the yield of any other oil crop, so if you switch to anything else other than no oil at all, you're just using ten times the land area to get it.



South Wales
The reason that palm oil is used is that it has ten times the yield of any other oil crop, so if you switch to anything else other than no oil at all, you're just using ten times the land area to get it.

The best oil (or least bad), both environmentally and health wise is Rapeseed oil (called Canola in the US).

It does still use quite a lot of land, but less than many other oils, and it uses less water than most. And it isn't grown in areas where it causes deforestation for the required land (which is the biggest environmental impact of palm oil).


" Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of a palm tree and is 52 percent saturated fat, while palm kernel oil, taken from the palm seed, is 86 percent saturated fat. Because of its higher saturated fat content, this is an oil you'll want to limit. The saturated fats give palm kernel oil a longer shelf life, which is why it's typically used in more commercially processed foods.
Almost 80 percent of the world's palm oil comes from Malaysia and Indonesia, where rainforests have been devastated to make way for palm plantations. Sadly, this large-scale production is threatening the habitat of the orangutan, an animal that advocacy groups say risks extinction. "
The best oil (or least bad), both environmentally and health wise is Rapeseed oil (called Canola in the US).

It does still use quite a lot of land, but less than many other oils, and it uses less water than most. And it isn't grown in areas where it causes deforestation for the required land (which is the biggest environmental impact of palm oil).

This is one of the reasons why I buy rapeseed oil for cooking. Added bonus is that I like the flavour, it's the cheapest of the cooking oils, has the fewest food miles and has a high smoking point when it comes to frying.

Although for some cooking e.g. deep frying, roasting and doing fry-ups, I do prefer beef dripping or lard.


All at sea⛵
This is one of the reasons why I buy rapeseed oil for cooking. Added bonus is that I like the flavour, it's the cheapest of the cooking oils, has the fewest food miles and has a high smoking point when it comes to frying.

Although for some cooking e.g. deep frying, roasting and doing fry-ups, I do prefer beef dripping or lard.

You do know how they make beef dripping?

Dag Hammar

Senior Member
If you want an expert opinion, I’m your man. My mother bought her first jar of peanut butter when I was five or six years old and I‘ve been eating it pretty much every day for the past 65 years.
And if you think I'm joking when I say pretty much every day, I’m not.
I’ve had them all, Sun Pat, Sainsburys Own, Whole Earth etc etc but I’m now hooked on Meridian. They offer smooth and / or crunchy. I like crunchy best.
Beware #*#. The reason I like Meridian so much is because it is oily and consequently it spreads easily. That may not be to your liking But I love the stuff.
At the moment both Waitrose and Sainsburys ( with a Nectar card ) have it on offer so you could sample a 280g jar for only £2.00.


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