Which would you choose - ?

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In our local Aldi today and saw a 1kg. tub of SunPat peanut butter; 'the Nation's Favorite' according to the label.
I only buy Foodie Market PB as the ingredients are '100% Peanuts', with an added salt version if you want salt, but nothing else.
The SunPat PB lists the ingredients as '95% peanuts, stabiliser, cane sugar, salt.'
The 'stabiliser' is most likely palm oil as it makes the PB homogenous so you miss the fun of mixing the peanut oil that floats on the top into the PB and also palm oil has had a bad rap recently.
So - ? :whistle:


Legendary Member
I like the Tesco smooth PB, as it has much more of a roasted flavour than some, and that's what I like.

Alas it does have added oil, which has a tendency to separate out.

Not a fan of Sun Pat.


Not so sure about 1 kg tubs. For many years I favoured Sun Pat but with the increasing awareness of the global effects of palm oil I switched brands. Aldi's own brand is quite palatable, with a "no palm oil" banner. I went on to Whole Earth peanut butter after a few years -less sugar, less salt, but then tried Pip 'n Nut. This really does have a layer of peanut oil which needs mixing in each time. I might try a jar of Aldi's again for comparison. Whatever brand, crunchy, of course. I've tried Sun Pat from time to time but it's a little bland after trying the others, maybe over processed.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Down here they are known as 'ground nuts' as they grow underground and are not a nut but a vegetable. You can buy the paste in tubs but I don't know what's added to it not much I suspect.
It's used to make ground nut soup which contains chicken usually. You might like to try making it if you like Peanut Butter:


Here it's served with rice ball. Loads of recipes on the net.
Down here they are known as 'ground nuts' as they grow underground and are not a nut but a vegetable. You can buy the paste in tubs but I don't know what's added to it not much I suspect.
It's used to make ground nut soup which contains chicken usually. You might like to try making it if you like Peanut Butter:

View attachment 739206

Here it's served with rice ball. Loads of recipes on the net.

They're a legume, related to peas & beans.

Might try that soup. Sounds good.


Kilometre nibbler
Years ago I grew my own peanuts. I can't remember where I got the plant from. Anyway, the harvest was very unimpressive, I think I got something like two pods. They were definitely peanuts though.

In answer to the question, I go for the peanut-only version, not the added sugar and gloop one.


Heavy Metal Fan
I prefer Sunpat if I'm honest, just because it's sweeter and more processed. A guilty pleasure if you will. But I don't buy it. Last jar I bought was something like whole earth? There's no sugar or oil in it. I'd say it was the PB version of whole grain because it's got dark bits in it


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Was there not some government sponsored scam years ago where there was incentive to invest in groundnut farming? I seem to remember a lot of people lost money. Cannot be bothered searching for the details just now.
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