Which is the best wheel set - Bontrager RL vs Mavic Ksyrium Elite S?

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Lovely jubbly
He has both sets of wheels - what other information does he need?. I think the suggestion that myself and others made was pretty useful, tbh - ie try both and let us know.

Now, if you have a better, more practical, more useful suggestion than that, I would really, really, really like to hear it. I'm sure the OP would, too.
Just because someone owns something doesn't mean they know everything about said item!
As I've already said I have nothing to contribute to his question as I know NOTHING regarding either wheelset, similar it seems to you.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
The answer to the question was given in post #2. Post #9 is important but until it is answered the conversation can't really proceed. Post #11 could be useful. Everything else has just been a bit of fun.


Just because someone owns something doesn't mean they know everything about said item!
As I've already said I have nothing to contribute to his question as I know NOTHING regarding either wheelset, similar it seems to you.

You only need personal experience of how they perform. Everything else can be looked up on the internet. You don't need to be a wheel expert to point that out.


The rest of us (who presumably don't know what we're talking about) are still awaiting your own answer to your original question as you seem to be the only contributor to this thread who's actually got or ridden both wheelsets!

I honestly can't see what anyone else could contribute, or has up to this point, that could be remotely useful to you.


Okay, give the banter a rest please. If you've got experience with either the Bontrager RL or Mavic Ksyrium Elite S wheelsets that you'd like to share with @Andyrums, then feel free; if not, and you've given your advice further up the thread, then just leave it there for the OP to take or leave.

Shaun :biggrin:


Legendary Member
South East
I think keep the originals on!
As an aside....

I have visited homes for Dementia sufferers, and I am amazed that those who reside there don't have the ability to maintain such long discussion even face to face, let alone using a keyboard, and when you factor in the thread post time differential, many of you guys really can manage well! Well done!
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Insert witty title here
I have Mavic Krysium Elite ( I think the non Sversion), but I didn't ride the bike with any other wheels on, so can't say that they have made it better.

However I am finding them great. On the whole, I'm delighted with how the bike rides. I'm a little inexperienced to make a sensible observations regarding rigidity etc. one observation I would make however, is that the latest version, which I believe was 2 ml wider, is apparently better if you're running wider tyres (ie 25's).
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