Which CC member do you think you'd like to meet?

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Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland

Why I don't know but I think we'd get along 😂


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
@BrumJim it's not you is it?! I hope I've not outed you! :laugh:

You never did tell me what your avatar was! A green alien type thing of some sort. I was so close to remembering but it just kept staying out of recall range!

Edit: as I recall jimbo? was from Birmingham somwhere.
Definitely not me. If you check carefully you will find that our times on here overlapped.

Following his ban from here he appeared on a Birmingham Cycling forum (now defunct) and caused the same problems on there too, also talking about being banned from here and another cycling forum (YANCF?).

He did manage to organise some Audaxes a few years back, and used to take part in the Beacon Sunrise/Snowdrop audax. Not convinced he did any the same years that I did, and never knowlingly met him. Once had a very quick word / comment with someone roughly his age on Digbeth High Street who was riding an S-works bike that might have been him, but can't be sure.
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Definitely not me. Following his ban from here he appeared on a Birmingham Cycling forum (now defunct) and caused the same problems on there too, also talking about being banned from here and another cycling forum (YANCF?).

Glad it's not you, as I didn't want to get you re-banned! But you knew who I was talking about - he was jimbo something from Birmingham way, that's all I could remember.

I recall he had some really contrary to popular opinions on ride fuelling, and diet generally. I thought people got so single-focused with attacking his pov that it became knee-jerk to them. Sadly, sometimes we attack what we think people are saying rather than making an effort to understand what they might be saying.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Glad it's not you, as I didn't want to get you re-banned! But you knew who I was talking about - he was jimbo something from Birmingham way, that's all I could remember.

I recall he had some really contrary to popular opinions on ride fuelling, and diet generally. I thought people got so single-focused with attacking his pov that it became knee-jerk to them. Sadly, sometimes we attack what we think people are saying rather than making an effort to understand what they might be saying.
Jimboalee was his name, I think. James Lee was his real name.

He was a contrarian and a p*** taker, and seemed to be similar to a number of people I know who have no clue as to how much they are upsetting others, and would probably consider themselves thoughtful and considerate, and not like the other unpleasant people.

Probably include myself on the edge of that group, based on past experiences rather than any destructive acute lack of self worth / confidence.


similar to a number of people I know who have no clue as to how much they are upsetting others, and would probably consider themselves thoughtful and considerate, and not like the other unpleasant people.

I guess we could all own up to a bit of that, if we are honest. Very few of us deliberately intended to piss people off - yet it happens.

F'rinstance, I know my flippancy can wind people up, particularly when it's a sensitive subject for them. It's not that I deliberate intend to upset (indeed sometimes quite the opposite - and it's my irony that can be missed) but I have to admit that sometimes what I say might not have been thought through entirely. I tend to be quick witted and just occasionally get ahead of myself. Mea culpa.

And then there's always that situation that people simply don't, and never will, click with us. Some perspectives that you'll never share - for whatever reason. Some jokes that, for you, can never be funny. Just as you click with some people and feel a natural affinity with them. It is what it is, as a friend of mine likes to say.


Obviously an Aubergine
I guess we could all own up to a bit of that, if we are honest. Very few of us deliberately intended to piss people off - yet it happens.

F'rinstance, I know my flippancy can wind people up, particularly when it's a sensitive subject for them. It's not that I deliberate intend to upset (indeed sometimes quite the opposite - and it's my irony that can be missed) but I have to admit that sometimes what I say might not have been thought through entirely. I tend to be quick witted and just occasionally get ahead of myself. Mea culpa.

And then there's always that situation that people simply don't, and never will, click with us. Some perspectives that you'll never share - for whatever reason. Some jokes that, for you, can never be funny. Just as you click with some people and feel a natural affinity with them. It is what it is, as a friend of mine likes to say.

Well you say that, but we've had more than a few people saying they really don't care who they p*ss off .

You know the ones of the

"I like what I say, and say what I like" variety

Some even seem quite pleased if they annoy folks..

As if it's something to be proud of..

Tbh what's troubling me more right now is that I've just been awarded a 'trophy' having been here for three years..!!!

Three whole years..??

I only came for a bit of measuring advice.

Ended up with a squeaky horn (!?) From a now lapsed (!?) member, and a very nice ortlieb bar box from.

Yikes who was it ??? Petexxx?

Nabbed a new charge ladle (saddle) when someone flagged It was on special offer..

And umm what else..??
Apart from posting a whole bunch of nonsense, or sense depending on yr pov..

Three whole goddarn years.. :wacko:

Since before Covid..:eek:

Maybe it's time to take a break and go do something more productive???

I make no bones. I simply couldn't care less what people think of me.

Why should I care? Why should you care that I don't care? Is there nothing more important in your life to be concerned with?

If you love me, great. I love you too.

If you hate me, great. I still love you.

Likewise. As a generalisation, I don't dislike people just because they try to piss me off, it's the ones that don't realise they're pissing people off, or continue in a certain vein despite comments and suggestions that I've less respect for.

I don't tend to take much notice of who is saying what, as I prefer to just try to read what they post.
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