Which Best Stand/floor pump

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The connector on my Giant floor pump has been playing up for a while and tonight has failed. The lever is floppy and the connector doesn’t seat properly or stop on. I’d be tempted to try and fit a replacement connector but the pump is quite old and has done a lot of work so possibly not worth while.

I'm looking for a new pump that will inflate both road and gravel tyres, quality and longevity are looking for, recommendations gratefully received.



Kilometre nibbler
I've got a Zefal floor pump that I've had for years. No idea of the model*, and it doesn't have a model number marked on it. It's has never gone wrong. Can do both Presta and Schrader. It's the only one that I've ever owned and there may be better ones out there but this does me fine.

I realise that's not much use, but if the brand Zefal pops up as a possibility you'll know that they have at least one satisfied customer.

Quirkily it's only graded in bar, so I do all my calculations in bar (while everyone else seems to use PSI). At the extreme I can get my Airblaster to over 10 bar with it (145psi) and it also deals with ordinary lower pressures OK.

*Edit: Looking at their website I'd guess it's a Profil Max FP30, or an earlier model of the same thing. https://www.zefal.com/en/floor-pumps/21-profil-max-fp30.html
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Legendary Member
I previously replaced the broken tyre valve fitment on my old pump. The part was cheap and easy to fit and the new one was better able to swap between car and bike values (schraeder / Presta). Lasted a good few years before the originally cheap pump broke irredeemably.

Subsequently bought a Lezayne which has a rather appealing Art Deco design aluminium casting for the body and which works well.
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
My current one was from Aldi/Lidl, (can't remember which), but has been very good and was cheap.
I have one of those down in Devon. I agree - effective, and good value for money.

The track pump that I have in Yorkshire is a chunky old metal Specialized one. I think I paid about £45 for it 15+ years ago, thinking it would last me a lifetime. The pump part looks like it will last for ever but I had to replace the bit that clips onto the valve after about 10 years. THIS looks like a newer version of it.

The Specialized pump is definitely better quality, but I don't think that it is worth about 7 Aldi/Lidl pumps!


Smash the cistern
SKS Rennkompressor will last forever, all parts on it are replaceable and it's built like a tank. The downside to it that I've found is that because it goes up to ludicrously high pressures, 230psi, the gauge can be difficult to read with precision.


I bought a Halfords pump about 10 years ago. It works. There may be better pumps out there but my tires are inflated.

Same, it's red and cost me a tenner. Worked really well - I view the pressure gauge as indicative rather than prescriptive but it's worked well for a long time. Probably no need to overthink it too much - as long as your desired max pressure is well within the range the pump says it is capable of achieving, it should be fine.
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