Where's the transparency?

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Let's have:
2. A list in descending order of the top ten most ignored members.

I would quite like that actually. It would be interesting to see, purely out of curiosity, like (mainly because I am convinced I'm on it). You don't actually have to give any details, just a list of the members fitting the criteria.

Have I missed the fisticuffs and dummy chucking again?

I think it is just a theoretical exercise.

I'm unclear why anyone needs to know the information requested by the OP. It's a privately funded board. If users are unhappy with the way that it's run they are free to seek alternative facilities and some users do flounce off.


Don't the moderators have to wear yellow jackets so we know who they are?

'Sorry Mate, I didn't see you'

Ignore lists are the preserve of individuals and will remain so.

Yes, but wouldn't you be curious as to the real lie of the land?

Why should the privileged few be the only ones who know? it isn't as if you have to put many details or anything, just enough.

That said, I can see the potential for misguided flame wars.:wacko:

A quiet word in your ear ...

(CC is just a website on the internet, it's not real life! But shhhhh! Don't tell anyone, they don't realise they're in the Matrix!)


*Read from the 'Just overheard' thread, and not an exact quote (DISCLAIMER)*

'Keanu? Chardonay? get the f**k over here now!'


Why should the privileged few be the only ones who know? it isn't as if you have to put many details or anything, just enough.
Aside from the fact that moderators don't know who is on the ignored list, wanting to know is nothing more than morbid curiosity.

However, if you (or the OP) think it's that important, post up the URL of your own forums (I'm presuming you have forums rather than just making demands on other people's) just in case anyone gives a damn.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Aside from the fact that moderators don't know who is on the ignored list, wanting to know is nothing more than morbid curiosity.

...... Well, yes.
I didn't know what about the ignore lists by the way.

(I'm presuming you have forums rather than just making demands on other people's)

I usually reside in the Cafe here. I doubt I make many demands of others (unless anyone knows better)

just in case anyone gives a damn.

That I doubt, but it matters to me :blush:


Just to clarify, me and the moderators don't have a clue who is ignoring who - it is, very much, a personal matter.


pre-talced and mighty
Shaun - I would plead with you to allow the mods to remain anonymous, if they so wish. It only takes one nutter to lose his rag over a wiped post or a banning, and the next thing you know you're getting distinctly unpleasant e-mails and 3am telephone calls. He says from experience. Elsewhere.

ps - I'm not a mod here, and, if asked (not that that's going to happen) I'd say no. Once is enough.


Just to clarify, me and the moderators don't have a clue who is ignoring who - it is, very much, a personal matter.
Although we can say that Admin and the Support Team** don't have anyone on their ignore lists. :biggrin:

** that sounds like a very dodgy 1970s pub band :whistle:


CC is just a website on the internet, it's not real life!

Judging by the post count of some people on here, it appears that this is their 'only' life, real or not.


Legendary Member
It seems perfectly obvious to me that the mods are deranged - who in their right mind would want to do work for no money? If they prefer to stay anonymous, that's surely little enough to ask. And as others have said, it's not like you have to come here...if you don't like it, don't come. Surely it really is that simple. Or am I missing something?
Admin said:

Reminders: Inappropriate conduct and content will now attract a system reminder message from the Support Team with specific reference to the thread/post that has prompted it. (Your content may be edited too if we feel it should not be left on the site, but we'll try to avoid this wherever possible). "

Did my recent complaint (now resolved :becool:) influence that at all? It appeared some posts had been deleted without the follow up explanation leading to confusion/distrust of the team.

No demands from me to see lists of moderators/ignored users, just that any moderation going forward is always clear and communicated to the member :thumbsup:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2

Did my recent complaint (now resolved :becool:) influence that at all? It appeared some posts had been deleted without the follow up explanation leading to confusion/distrust of the team.

No demands from me to see lists of moderators/ignored users, just that any moderation going forward is always clear and communicated to the member :thumbsup:

None what so ever. Sorry to disappoint.
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