Where's the transparency?

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Let's have:

1. An open list of the moderators. Why don't they have the courage of their convictions to identify themselves and take responsibility if they lock a thread or ban a member.

2. A list in descending order of the top ten most ignored members.


Have I missed the fisticuffs and dummy chucking again?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I'm a mod.. so what.
Some are known some are not. It's nothing to do with courage. It's all to do with how Admin run's HIS site HIS way.

Oh yes.. and see this


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I'm unclear why anyone needs to know the information requested by the OP. It's a privately funded board. If users are unhappy with the way that it's run they are free to seek alternative facilities and some users do flounce off.
Don't the moderators have to wear yellow jackets so we know who they are?

Deleted member 1258

Don't the moderators have to wear yellow jackets so we know who they are?

I thought they were issued with tin helmets and flack jackets to make policing the livelier debates a bit safer. :biggrin:


Let's have:

1. An open list of the moderators. Why don't they have the courage of their convictions to identify themselves and take responsibility if they lock a thread or ban a member.

2. A list in descending order of the top ten most ignored members.

As per my announcement today, all moderators will be badged when we move to the new software.

If a list helps some people feel more at ease I'll post one once we move.

Ignore lists are the preserve of individuals and will remain so.

If you have any questions about how the site is being run, please just PM me and we can have a chat about it.

Shaun :biggrin:


Purveyor of fine nonsense
Let's have:

1. An open list of the moderators. Why don't they have the courage of their convictions to identify themselves and take responsibility if they lock a thread or ban a member.

2. A list in descending order of the top ten most ignored members.

A quiet word in your ear ...

(CC is just a website on the internet, it's not real life! But shhhhh! Don't tell anyone, they don't realise they're in the Matrix!)

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