Where to find other female teenagers who like cycling?

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God Almighty
im 18 and i cycle!!!!
not female or living or anywhere near manchester though lol.

I have HUUGE trouble motivating my friends to do physical excersize. I think the problem is most young people just do not enjoy long distance, most of the runners you meet at 3km track runners or sprinters etc, and any cyclists are either downhill mtbers or rich kids with all the gear no idea ("thanks mummy and daddy for the £3000 bike").

There are a few options open to you to getting people your age:
1) give up
2) invite you friends to a cycle to the shop or something similar... then get "lost" for 30 miles.
3) try start some kind of teenager cycling group, nothing too formal, just put up a few posters with your contact details inviting them to meet up with you or something...
4) Duck tape....everything can be fixed with Duck tape....(Disclaimer: this option may not be relevant or important to the topic in hand)


God Almighty
Also... chasing the ladies on a bike would certainly bring my average mph up


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
I agree that Eastlands Velo might be a good bet. I don't know them, but I do ride at the velodrome and can definitely recommend that for finding like minded younger female riders. There are lots of female teenagers and younger girls at the track sessions. The kids sessions look to be almost equal in the numbers of girls and boys. Above about 14 years old there are more males than females, but there is definitely a far greater proportion of female to male riders of all ages at the track than I have ever seen on the road. For myself, I am an oldie at 31, (and I didn't learn to cycle till I was 26), but there are female cyclists in their teens and early 20s at the track every time I go. Definitely worth a try - it's a fun hour or two anyway!


New Member
I'm the youngest member in the club by a good 40years...

What's wrong just going it alone ,plug in your ipod and ride till you collapse?

P.S I wish there was more female teenage cyclists around here.


New Member
montage said:
im 18 and i cycle!!!!

Woo I win the youngest competition. 17 year old here!

I guess I feel like I am in your position sometimes. Very few people understand cycling at school. I am the only person to have passed my driving test in my year and everyone is like 'Why do you wanna cycle everywhere when you have a car?'.

I managed to get a couple of mates out for a cycle recently. I play for the school rugby team and I suggested that we go for a spin to increase endurance. A couple of the guys came along and some said they enjoyed it and would be up for trying it again.

As for bicycle maintanance there are loads of videos on the net that will help you out. And people on here are rather helpful. If you have a major problem take the bike down the LBS. I find they are quite nice to young people and don't charge to much (if anything). They usually like to secure long term customers.



God Almighty
Woo I win the youngest competition. 17 year old here!

I guess I feel like I am in your position sometimes. Very few people understand cycling at school. I am the only person to have passed my driving test in my year and everyone is like 'Why do you wanna cycle everywhere when you have a car?'.

I managed to get a couple of mates out for a cycle recently. I play for the school rugby team and I suggested that we go for a spin to increase endurance. A couple of the guys came along and some said they enjoyed it and would be up for trying it again.

As for bicycle maintanance there are loads of videos on the net that will help you out. And people on here are rather helpful. If you have a major problem take the bike down the LBS. I find they are quite nice to young people and don't charge to much (if anything). They usually like to secure long term customers.


17, is that a pint I see in your hand in that picture? tut tut ;) Hmmm I am 18 and still can't drive....really need to get a provisional sometime soon, just for ID if anything. A few younger looking guys at my club...one 15/16 year old guy came out last sunday for one of the hardest rides I have been on and was doing brilliant!....until he got hypothermia (put him on the train and I believe he is fine now....though still has my jacket!!!)....sorry if that little fable put off any young cyclists...but if any of you are reading this..I don't think hypothermia is THAT bad :biggrin:

Bigsesal, where abouts you based?
Would be interesting to collect data (or have it collected by somebody else :biggrin: ) on where the most young cyclists in the country are etc.


God Almighty
Lets ignore the part where I asked where you were based.....my inability to look slightly to the left hand side of the screen to read that you come from glasgow is one of which I am ashamed.
There are some women only ctc groups about, not sure if they attract any teenagers, but it's worth a try!

I feel like a baby in my club a lot of the time, as most of the other members have children my age (and I'm in my mid-thirties, sniff)


Hi again Pedaling.It is good to see so many chatters trying to help.(great bunch).

Many years ago ,one of my supervisors called me a Dinosaur.

During a Work Time learning session.I got fed up with the pc world of correctness. and asked.

" Why can't people just work when they get here instead of hiding from it".?

Went down like a ton of bricks.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Im 17. My mates are wimps and wont cycle with me, because i will go too fast for them.
I say thats fine with me, so i go out on my own at my own speed.
I ride with a cycle club aswell with older people, its not realy competetive if you dont want it to be. I make it competetive for myself, and others join in, by racing for signs for to the tops of hills.
YC wins the youngest contest on here, hes 12 i think;)
I also train in the gym on my own, the other people in my 6th form dont like going, and if they do they dont want to get all sweaty:wacko:
I get asked why im going to learn to drive when i go everywhere on my bike, and sometimes faster then what a car can.
Going out on your own isnt bad if you dont mind it, i put my ipod in and blast around at a decent speed. I do find that sometimes training with someone is better, i push myself alot harder when im with someone, like racing up a hill when my legs are killing, and i feel like throwing up. It all goes when im at the top before them though:laugh:

Young Un

New Member
Joe I'm 14;)

I too cycle with older folks on the weekend club runs, but luckily our club has a youth section that meets on a wednesday night, although the majoirty are under 12, we still manage to get 8 of us going out for a ride. I am soon looking to join another club, wich has a huge number of youths in it, as I feel that I have almost got too good for the youth section of my club.


New Member
montage said:
17, is that a pint I see in your hand in that picture?

I believe that it is perfectly legal for anyone of the age of 16+ to have a drink with a meal in a restraunt. That is what I was doing. Obviously I would never drink illegally;).


God Almighty
johnnyh said:
naturally you appreciate the damage alcohol can do to your fitness and cycling performance anyway?... :biggrin:

Actually better put this way : You appreciate the damage cycling can do to your ability to go out and drinking performance?

The fact most cycling clubs are sat/sunday morning doesn't help us youths...the fact I cycle sat and sunday morning...well... either a case of being sensible or bearing the hangover...usually the latter.

But I'm sure if a club did try to promote cycling for teens, it would be far wiser for the rides to be in the afternoon/evening.
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