Where should i go for my sons electric guitar package?

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Formerly known as djtheglove
Like it says above, where? I have done the usual internet search, and we are going to head for a shop in Clapham near us that sells Ibanez and Yamaha packages, will these be ok?

Brother in law who plays the guitar said I should go for a fender package as they, as we all know have a good reputation.
The only fender package I have found on the internet was from Littlewoods direct, but some one had left a review saying that their one needed a lot of adjusting when it arrived, I wont be able to do that!

My 14 yo plays violin, and has now seen the light and wants to move to the guitar, however apart from having a keen interest in music I can't play a note on anything so will be at a total loss when I go to look at guitars!

Total budget £200 max.

Any suggestions gratefully recieved.:evil::evil:


Legendary Member
I believe the Yamaha is a good beginners guitar. I'd be more tempted to buy from a shop - for the setting up and advice they'd give, maybe buy a tuner at the same time :evil:


Formerly known as djtheglove
Thanks PP , that's what i need to hear, I just am going in completel;y blind.

I believe a lot of these packages have a tuner included.

So Y amaha are ok, What about Ibanez? anyone!:evil:


extimus uero philosophus
Yamaha Pacifica are good for the price, often come with a little amp in a package too. Ibanez are a lot of guitar for the money.

A good shop will have all the strings tuned up and set up decently before you buy, buying online doesnt always give you that option... Coda Music and Machinehead are two shops that will though. Loads of s/h usually. Machinehead is nearer Clapham iirc, unless they've moved, but coda is miles away.

Soho has a street of music shops... usually advertised in the back of guitar mags.

Desert Orchid

Senior Member
tha yamaha packages are good, the pacifica 112 is better / dearer than the 012, see what you can get for your budget, and see what extras you can get in with the price. a good shop knows you will go back for your future needs if they start you right.


Taking the biscuit
TBH, you're looking in the right area, both Yamaha & Ibenez are professional, reputable brands and make good solid guitars.

The street in Soho is Denmark St which is off Charing Cross Rd. @ the Tottenham Court Rd end.
There is also a shop called 'Turnkey' which is on Charing Cross Rd, they often have nicely priced guitar packages.


Formerly known as djtheglove
Thanks tdr1nka it looks like I will be going up to Charing Cross rd next weekend.

I could then pop to Leicester sq and go to the Ben and Jerry's for lunch, loads of ice creammmmmmmmmmm


New Member
Hi DJ,

If you're still looking, I can recommend GAK (based in Brighton). They have a decent selection of starter packs from the big names, and decent prices too. I've bought a few guitars from them (over t'internet) and service is good.


I started out playing guitar when I was 14 (many moons ago) and would have killed for a Les Paul lookalike - it's all about the image!



I spent 8 years of my life working in musical instrument import/distribution and retail. A great way to spend my formative years ;), were it me I would go with the Yamaha package, they have a good reputation for education/music and the product is generally fit for purpose. Good history in the field too - look at the Yamaha logo - 3 tuning forks.

With most of this kit it comes now from China, and dont kid yourself into thinking each "brand" has its own factory, but some brands will spec a higher grade of part.

Do buy from a good local instrument shop though, since they should be able to ensure the guitar is set up as best it can be.

Mr Pig

New Member
johnnyh said:
Do buy from a good local instrument shop though, since they should be able to ensure the guitar is set up as best it can be.

Best advice you can get. The shop will set the guitar up and may be able to recommend nice starter guitars. Most shops will sell their own starter packs that are better than the one box/brand offerings.
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