Mother was born Dublin: her father was variously a racing car mechanic, something to do with horse racing, and a betting man. Died B'ham after op on ulcer. His wife ran off some time before then, to Aberdeen, never being heard of again. Left mother and sisters in care of the "Christian" Brothers, or the female equivalent. Mother came over in WW2 for work. Father (British Army 22 years, PoW 5 years after Norway capture) had a more chequered history. Haven't taken too much interest, but grand-dad was originally a stoker, ended up an officer in RN, but died after war, from wounds sustained during WW1. Based in Queenstown, Co Cork, now Cobh. Grandma came from farming family near Millstreet: land (probably rocky ground in a matrix of grit) sold in the '20s. After Granddad died, she got involved with a Brit who was stationed in Cobh. Sadly she chose a Black and Tan. She was advised to leave Ireland, ASAP, after the war of independence. Luckily I am not related by blood to said bar-steward, who ran off soon after wedding. Not too keen to raise head over parapet in Cobh re antecedents.