Where have you come from?

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The Lovell's were part of the nobility owning huge amounts of land until Richard the Third was murdered by Henry Tudor.:smile:
Mum is an adminstrator and dad is a salesman, but has also been a TV camera op and owned a recording studio once.
Paternal grandfather worked on the manchester ship canal in a lowly management position; grandmother was a seemstress. Maternal grandfather an office bureaucrat and grandmother didn't work - they once had a lot of money early on but then lost it all.
No idea prior to that, but there are musical nuns and irish and welsh in there somewhere...I look like a celt, and apparently I look cornish so god knows where that came from...


Legendary Member
summerdays said:
My rellies on both sides have been farmers near Magherafelt in Northern Ireland for generations .... anyone want a potato:biggrin:?

I have a fair few farmers in my family as well. I'll see your potato and raise you a sack:biggrin:


New Member
Most of the family were wiped out by one bomb that destroyed their entire street in Peckham during WW2.

Very sorry to hear that.

My uncle has been doing some family tree stuff and most of his and fathers side of the family come from Peckham...well that is where they lived during the war. There is irish ancestry in there as well. Apparently one of them was a boxer of some note called Dennington. The house they lived in in Peckham survived the blitz, but was blown up in the making of the film 'Battle of Britain' come years later I was told. Ironic or what.
I wonder if our families ever met/were neighbours?

On my Mum's side the family name is 'Henty' who were two brothers who first took sheep to Australia. They have a statue somewhere in Australia to commemorate them.


New Member
East London
I only know about my mother's side of the family. We're oringinally from Bohemia about 5 generations ago. My maternal grandmother had to flee Austria at the beggining of the 2nd world war (conflicting stories on why - one is that she was having an affair with a Nazi officer, my eldest brother is convinced that the family is Jewish and this was hidden when she came over here. I suppose both could be true).


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Fathers side (both English)
Grandfather worked on Gypsy Hill Station in SE London all his working life.
Grandmother, as a lot of women in those days just looked after the kids.
Mothers side
Grandfather (Scottish) Was a military man (Army) all his life.
Grandmother (Welsh) was a make up girl in Harrods for many years then a telephone operator.


My dads studied this a bit...
My family name (Whittock) comes originally from 'hwit uck (sp), Anglo Saxon for little oak..
First known descendent was a Whittock from Dorset or near, that got a job building the railways in the late 1700's i think. Moving with the job, he evidently settled in Bristol, which i gather is littered with Whittocks (not a common surname)
On my mothers side, they're from Northumberland. Dad reckons they havnt got much going for them, a right mix of Danes and Scots :smile:

All my family now have no real roots, dad was in the services and this meant all our young lives we have lived all over the place.

Anyone else have a family trait that runs and runs...
Grandad was a master carpenter who became Manager of Works at Avonmouth Docks. He hand made violins (amongst a host of other woodwork), some of which are still in the family. He was also a reasonable artist.

My dad was (until he lost his sight) an accomplished self employed artist specialising in aviation and shipping. He was also a mechanical fitter in the RAF, working on everything from Vampire jets of the late 40s and Mosquitos , up to Vulcan bombers.

His twin brother was also an accomplished artist, selling shipping artwork to the States and at home.
He was a crew chief in the RAF, last flying in Vulcan bombers.

My brother has a natural flair for drawing.

I also have an ability to draw freehand, and i tried painting some years ago. Made some fairly good efforts, but lack the drive to keep it going, so it's kinda died there.
Like dad and grandad, i love using my hands, which has led me to me a maintenance engineer.

My son has served an apprenticeship in turning and milling, didnt enjoy it, so now hes a central heating engineer.


Mother's side - Great grandfather was a Russian Jewish immigrant with money who took a fancy to my great grandmother but didn't want to marry her. Consequently my grandmother was born in the workhouse in 1914'ish (she told me the Zeppelins were bombing London at the time and her mother went into labour). I probably have Jewish family in the UK knocking about somewhere (much to their chagrin I'm sure) but they would be difficult to trace as there is no father on my grandmother's birth certificate. My Mum's dad was a carpenter, drinker, layabout. Didn't live much beyond my second birthday.

On my father's side, his Dad was a bus driver and in later life a Bus Inspector. My great grandfather was Irish we think. Not sure about his mother as she died when my Dad was very young.

Lots of cousins, second cousins, etc. The only one I can think of who might be known is a second cousin who played for Norwich City called Graham Benstead (Goalie, I think in the 80's).


Bigtallfatbloke said:
Very sorry to hear that.

My uncle has been doing some family tree stuff and most of his and fathers side of the family come from Peckham...well that is where they lived during the war. There is irish ancestry in there as well. Apparently one of them was a boxer of some note called Dennington. The house they lived in in Peckham survived the blitz, but was blown up in the making of the film 'Battle of Britain' come years later I was told. Ironic or what.
I wonder if our families ever met/were neighbours?

On my Mum's side the family name is 'Henty' who were two brothers who first took sheep to Australia. They have a statue somewhere in Australia to commemorate them.

It was a long time before I was born, so it seems very removed, though my grandmother, who had only recently moved out of the house at the time, never forgot it. There is apparently now a memorial in the area - I will have to go to visit it some day. Peckham was full of Jews and Irish and other assorted immigrant communities at the time. The Irish side of my family were apparently based in Kent, but as I said, I don't really know much about them - my grandfather's mother (the Irish connection) died whe he was very young. He never got over it and hardly mentioned her, let alone told us any more about her family...

Gbb - one of my great-grandfather's main stage acts was quick sketching - he was kind of the Rolf Harris of his day! My gradfather also worked as an draftsman during WW2, and worked on the plans for the first British jet fighter. My dad is a cartographer...


Smutmaster General
Graham O said:
Have got a very muddled ancestry. Most of the paternal family have been military connected, so there's been a lot of travel and deaths! The maternal family come from Portsmouth and Hampshire. Personally from Portsmouth, but the surname comes from the Scottish Borders.

No idea if he is a relation, but an Ogle was one of the men who shoved a red hot iron up Edward II's bum to kill him. The Ogle family fell out of royal favour after that!
Are from here, Graham O? (see pic) Northumberland.


Dad was a Signalman in the British army assigned to the indian army until 1947, then came to the UK from India before leaving to work in intelligence in GCHQ

His dad was a waterways engineer in Calcutta, and his mum was a midwife and nurse in both Bangalore (sp) and Calcutta and his dad was a carpenter for the East India company.

Mum trained as a seamstress in Winsmoor in Swansea as well as being a piano teacher.

Her father was a steel worker in the rolling mills in Swansea and her mother was a welder making Artillery shell cases during the war.


My ancestors lived in three small villages in south Lincolnshire for centuries, until some of the more adventurous among them upped sticks and moved across the border to, er... Norfolk.

I may not be exotic, but I am probably the most Anglo-Saxon person on Earth :evil:
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