Where have all the wasps gone

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Have had wasps nesting in my roof this summer, but have barely seen any in the garden.
Ditto biting insects; havent had to apply deet or light the citronella candles for any of our bbqs this year.

The wasps have been declining noticeably for at least a decade, but this seems the worst by far.
The local butterfly count is the lowest ever.

And driving to/from Cornwall this summer, the car was entirely free of bug splatter. 30 years ago, we'd have to stop halfway to wash/scrape/clean the windscreen!

All of the above are important for pollination and have their place in the food chain. The numbers have been declining for years but 2024 feels like a crash- v worrying, especially if happening across the nations.

(Ps but loads of Red Kites)


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
The local dragonfly survey is also showing a drop this year.
Here's a ... Erm... (Racks brain) Probably an emerald damselfly; on the river near Rye last week

Weird, the green looks really dingy after pasting the pic here

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
Plenty of Red Kites and pheasants on today‘s outing


Legendary Member
Next to bugger all in Leicester on the wasp front this year. Which is good news for me as I react quite badly to them.

Got stung by one in the face on the way into work a couple of years ago, got into the office and looked in a mirror, I looked like Joseph Merrick, and anyone that knows me, no comments about I didn't need to get stung for that effect. ^_^

I leave any insect in the garden alone and let nature sort them out, except wasps, if I see any sign of a nest the evil buggers get suffocated in wasp powder.


Legendary Member
The neighbours have got a nest and we have thousands flying past at quite high level. They’ve been very active the last few weeks despite the weather. Seem to be heading into the woods not lingering in the garden. But I agree I’ve not been bothered by one while eating scones this year.


Legendary Member
wasps maybe declining but I've definitely noticed more ants this year

I was an avid wear of shorts from March through to December, but no more.

You expect the odd insect bite over the years, but this year I've been eaten alive, including one so bad I ended up in A&E with my leg swollen from ground to ankle. The nasty creepy crawlies seem to be thriving.
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