Where have all the wasps gone

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I keep seeing news feeds asking this question and I've also really noticed a decline in wasps this year too.
I work mainly outside and usually this time of year we generally have a problem with wasps.
In fact sometimes we've even had to wear those protective wasp proof suits in certain areas of our work place ,to protect our selves in the past.
This year however there's virtually none around.
I've noticed the same with birds too.
The dawn chorus you usually hear in the morning has been virtually none existant this year and my bird feeders have had very few visitors.
Years ago my car/motorcycle would be cover in squished bugs throughout the summer months but that's long gone.
But I have however seen a massive rise of seagulls coming further inland making a nuisance of them selves.
I don't think I can ever remember a year like this one for seeing a change in our environment.
What's going on?


Legendary Member
Were ruining the planet is what's going on.


Very true @Drago.
This year it's been really noticable living out in the countryside.
Virtually no bird song around,No insects, Even the Red Kites have disappeared from the skies.Last year I wouldn't bat an eye lid as they were a common sight but this summer I've hardly seen any.
Even rabbits seem to be thin on the ground.


West Yorks
I did notice a lot of wasps about around the 2nd & 3rd week in August, then yes they’ve gone, they’re usually right nuisance at this time of year, I’ve also noticed last week and this week there’s been lots of large birds, probably geese flying in formation, like a practice run for the real thing, most peculiar


Über Member
Plenty of birds here and red kites, one kite was swooping down in next doors garden yesterday. Not many wasps though, I've seen about 3 all summer. Quite a few bees though in the garden before it got colder.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Wasps swapped for red kites?

That's OK with me.

We've noticed a marked drop in all kinds of wildlife in our garden, too. I suspect a one year drop is more about the very wet spring than climate change, which is likely to have effects over a number of years.

There are things anyone with a garden can do to make a difference; no weedkillers, tolerate a bit of mess, don't put concrete, resin or tarmac everywhere.
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Grimpeur des terrains plats


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
There have been lots of the usual birds here in the wilds of Shepherd's Bush. Loads of bees too. The only creatures that have been missing are blackbirds, and that's due to some avian disease that has struck them down or something.

Reports of The End Of The World are somewhat exaggerated. Very fashionable though.


Yes, bird numbers are down, as are many insects. Such as Hornets. Found 15 nests last year and not one this year. Very few invertebrate's in the pond and of course the frogs are long gone. Very sad.
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