Where have all the anti-vaxxers gone?

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Oh no they didn’t !


Well-Known Member
If you’re feeling a lack of anti-vaxxers—or the “vaccine hesitant”—come visit Idaho, Wyoming, or any number of regions in the United States that are over-filled with “independent thinkers”. Hospital ICUs and wards are full of them.

The two hospitals nearest us have been forced into a “crisis standard of care”. Sincerely hoping we never have to go there. In my not-so-humble opinion (and that of our Surgeon General), unvaccinated people who show up for COVID treatment should go to the back of the line.
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Anti-vaxxers are too incompetent to find Boris's visit to a Milton Keynes vaccination centre? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/29/up-90-covid-patients-icu-unboosted-boris-johnson
well they are not the brightest sparks in the bonfire are they?

Which is why the troll sites present their evidence with links to official documents that are many many pages long with a lot of long words (i.e. more than 1 syllable)
I have followed some of the links and the 'evidence' often contradicts what they say it says - but you have to READ a lot to get there
The anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists certainly have a history of 'mistaking' their destinations, don't they?! Just thinking back to the time they thought they were going to the main BBC studios, but it was a block of flats - or was that when they went to ITV instead? - and several others that I remember with amusement!
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The anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists certainly have a history of 'mistaking' their destinations, don't they?! Just thinking back to the time they thought they were going to the main BBC studios, but it was a block of flats - or was that when they went to ITV instead? - and several others that I remember with amusement!
It is quite amusing

but then you have to remember that they are literally causing people to die needlessly
It is quite amusing

but then you have to remember that they are literally causing people to die needlessly

And causing widespread fear and alarm when they turn up with their dire threats and warnings on the doorsteps of people who are just going about their perfectly normal daily business, whether that be people doing a very necessary job, as in the Testing unit, or people just wanting to live peacefully in their own homes
And causing widespread fear and alarm when they turn up with their dire threats and warnings on the doorsteps of people who are just going about their perfectly normal daily business, whether that be people doing a very necessary job, as in the Testing unit, or people just wanting to live peacefully in their own homes
Yes but you have to balance that against their FREEDOM

not yours - obviously - because they are infringing that themselves
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