Where have all the anti-vaxxers gone?

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
"The first important distinction to make is between a heart attack and cardiac arrest, says Dr. Amy Peterson, a pediatric cardiologist from American Family Children's Hospital in Madison, Wisc."

None of those cases look like what you'd traditionally call a 'heart attack'.


East Sussex

Seems they don’t unless vaccinated.

It’s like Fabrice Muamba never happened, also there has been cardiac issues with soldiers while training going back as long as I can remember.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Oh sure, but any cardiac issue is being used by anti vax as a misinfo opportunity
If you're going to call out misinformation though, it helps to do it accurately or you become a bearer of misinformation yourself. Cardiac arrest and heart attack are not the same thing, and heart attack in children is very rare indeed.


East Sussex
If you're going to call out misinformation though, it helps to do it accurately or you become a bearer of misinformation yourself. Cardiac arrest and heart attack are not the same thing, and heart attack in children is very rare indeed.

I think I just get caught up in the moment, but you're very correct, I did go back and check my posts, thankfully mine all referred to cardiac issues stemming in the case of that concert crush injuries.

The guy making the claims he is specifically saying heart attacks in all the victims.

If you see me make mistakes please call me out on them, I want to be correcting misinfo not making the issue worse and muddying the water more as such, and I wont take offence.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'm T1 too, and couldn't wait to get it. Our daughter is gobsmacked by the stupidity of her classmate's parents. Our two girls got theirs as soon as we managed to get appointments for them. Only our son is unvaccinated as he is 10, I myself am counting the days to get my booster.

Booked in for booster 5th December. All those vaxxed 5 months ago can log in now. Even though its officially tomorrow.


Singapore will start charging covid patients who chose not to be vaccinated


And it looks like the Saj is going to make it compulsory for front line NHS workers to be vaccinated unless they have a medical exemption. Not before time IMHO.

I've never understood how you can work in a clinical setting but not want to keep your patients as safe as possible. If you think vaccines are going to make you magnetic or that Bill Gates is going to control you, you really shouldn't be treating patients.

I rather liked this bit:

Some countries have already introduced compulsory vaccination - including France, which had to suspend 3,000 unvaccinated healthcare workers in September.
But the French government said most suspensions were only temporary, with staff ultimately agreeing to get the jab.

"We don't want ze vaccination!"
"OK - do you want your job?"
"Hmmm.. we 'ave reconsidered... vive la vaccination!"


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
And it looks like the Saj is going to make it compulsory for front line NHS workers to be vaccinated unless they have a medical exemption. Not before time IMHO.

I've never understood how you can work in a clinical setting but not want to keep your patients as safe as possible. If you think vaccines are going to make you magnetic or that Bill Gates is going to control you, you really shouldn't be treating patients.

I rather liked this bit:

"We don't want ze vaccination!"
"OK - do you want your job?"
"Hmmm.. we 'ave reconsidered... vive la vaccination!"
After the pictures of the Prime Minister visiting an NHS hospital without wearing a mask, they can eff right off with vaccine compulsion.
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