Where have all the anti-vaxxers gone?

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
The more the vaccines are used for Tory propaganda, the more anti-vaxx I become.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Well the vaccines were developed under "Operation Warp Speed", in the US, you might get Klingon DNA.
Don't you just love it when old tv shows have penetrated culture so deeply:okay:.


Leg End Member
Don't you just love it when old tv shows have penetrated culture so deeply:okay:.
Wonder if this is the "fight back"?

Live long and prosper

Less than 24 hours old.

All uphill

Still rolling along
The anti vaxxers always remind me some people feel better believing "they" are persecuting me, than believing "they" don't care.

Also that it feels better to be reviled than ignored.

Personally the only time I don't like being invisible is when I am cycling in traffic .😁


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Ah Brian Gerrish, we met online a long time ago.
Another who I would not cross the street to wee on him if he was on fire.
An archetypal snake oil vendor.
Apparently, they do a lunchtime broadcast on the site. Someone I work with was trying to get me to listen to it. I don't think I'll bother..
Apparently, they do a lunchtime broadcast on the site. Someone I work with was trying to get me to listen to it. I don't think I'll bother.
No, not the most productive use of time.
Eudravigilance and the MHRA yellow card scheme are currently the most misquoted, out of context quotes, totally fabricated stats victims of the mischief makers.
Up to and including made up screen shots with not inconsiderable mortality numbers due to vaccination.
The battle for your vaccine decision is being fought with some effort by people who want you to fear vaccines.


Master of the Inane Comment
Anyway what I was going to say was I heard an epidemiologist last night saying that there are two choices with regards to covid - either get vaccintated or be infected. The virus will in the end spread across the entire population, so those who refuse to be vaccinated will be infected, and will have the same experience as all those who have done so so far have, namely symptomless, bad flu or serious hospitalisation and sometimes a fatal outcome. 10% of those seriously infected will suffer longer-term consequences.

It is the virus that determines this, not the YT footage seen or sundry conspiracy theories.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Persuading the vaccine hesitant (rather than trying to 'turn' the anti-vaxxers) was the topic of this OCEANS study.

For the one in ten# who say they won’t take a COVID-19 vaccine, messaging that focuses on personal rather than collective benefits is more effective.
University of Oxford research
representative group of 18,885 UK adults
responses to a variety of COVID-19 vaccine messaging
published 13 May in The Lancet Public Health.
The OCEANS III study revealed that the most effective way of encouraging strongly vaccine-hesitant individuals to consider vaccination was to emphasise the personal benefit of the jab, highlighting the fact that you can’t be sure, even if you’re relatively young and fit, that you won’t get seriously ill or struggle with long-term COVID-related problems. This group was also receptive to information that directly addressed fears that the vaccines have been developed too fast to be safe and effective.
‘Much of the official messaging around COVID-19 vaccination draws on the idea of collective responsibility – that it benefits all of us to get the jab. For most that's fine but for those who remain sceptical about COVID-19 vaccination, the best approach now may be putting personal benefits front and centre in media campaigns.
‘There may be two things going on here. First, if you don’t trust the safety of the vaccines, you’ll be worried about what getting the jab will do to you. The decision-making process gets dominated by personal risk concerns. The best way to counter those concerns, therefore, is to highlight the opposite: personal benefits. Second, we know that people who are vaccine hesitant are more likely to feel marginalised. People who feel that society does not care about them may be less likely to be receptive to messaging that relies for its effectiveness on a sense of belonging.’
Since the start of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in the UK, acceptance rates in the population have increased substantially. In December half of people taking part in OCEANS-II said that they would get the vaccine as soon as possible, where now in OCEANS-III almost three quarters of participants said they’d get the vaccine as soon as possible. Nevertheless, nearly one in ten people remain strongly vaccine hesitant.
'Vaccine-hesitancy has not disappeared. The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination programme depends on mass participation: the greater the number of people vaccinated, the less risk to us all. It is therefore crucial that as many people as possible are willing to get the jab. We must remember too that COVID-19 in all its variant forms is unlikely to vanish. It will most likely be necessary to vaccinate the population on a regular and continuing basis. This high-stakes communications challenge will confront us for many years to come.’

# A month on, ONS data found 6% of adults reporting vaccine hesitancy. This was higher in 16 to 29-year-olds, Black or Black British adults and in deprived areas.
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This high-stakes communications challenge will confront us for many years to come.’
So far so good with the UK, the tinfoil hat (mainly re vaccination) is not strong there. I drove past Rue Louis Pasteur today, grinned and recalled how many times I have seen that name on a street sign many times, hero of France.
Meanwhile Bill Gates and its unproven and changes your genetics like, and it was rushed still grip a good chalk of the population of France.
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