When you where in school..

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Legendary Member
Wolf04 said:
Always wanted to be centre forward for Newcastle United, at 52 with a beer belly guess it might have passed me by.

This is Newcastle you're talking about. There's probably still every chance. I've seen some bad Newcastle teams in my time but this one is especially poor. You loyal fanatical fans have been abused for far too long.


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
PaulB said:
This is Newcastle you're talking about. There's probably still every chance. I've seen some bad Newcastle teams in my time but this one is especially poor. You loyal fanatical fans have been abused for far too long.

You won't get any argument from me on that. I was fortunate to be there when we won the Inter Citys Fairs Cup. If only we had known then what we know now, we could have given it up as a bad job and took up cycling.
Oh well as Sir Bobby once said cut me and I bleed black & white and if it's good enough for him....
I started out wanting to be a one man band, which is odd since I had no musical ability whatsoever.

Then I wanted to be Doctor Who, then Director General of the BBC. When I realised that might be a little ambitious, I thought being a researcher at the beeb would be nice.

Shortly after that, I decided I wanted to be a barrister. I stuck with that idea for a couple of years, briefly dallying with the idea of going into advertising.

By the time I reached the fifth form, I was pretty much certain that I wanted to be a journalist. So it seemed only natural that my first job on getting kicked out of school was in ... errrrr ... a recording studio.

Since then, I've been a dispatch rider, bricklayer, roof insulation installer, shop assistant, floppy disk salesman, software developer, postman, marketing manager, blameless middle manager and paperback book blurb writer.

These days I run an ad agency.

So yes, I am doing what I wanted to. If only for one week in 1976.



Smutmaster General
I wanted to be either a stuntman in films (I liked jumping off things and climbig things) or a dancer on the Rolf Harris show (no, I can't explain it, either :tongue:)


back and brave
I didn't want to do anything at school and I'm doing exactly that now. I'd call that an ambitious objective achieved.


New Member
When I was in year 8 I wanted to be a cyclist and join a cycling club and train and do club rides and so on. My grandfather, who was under-secretary of state and recipient of the Imperial Service Order (ISO) said "No, Chris. I don't think so. Cyclists are a pretty rough lot, you'd be best to stick with cricket and football, they're the games for people like us (PLU)." And you know what? I think he was right.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I didn't really know what I wanted to do when I grew up as a kid. People were always asking you. I said I wanted to be a fighter pilot or a vet, like lots of other kids I suppose. I didn't really want to be a computer programmer, which is what I ended up being.


N Ireland
I wanted to be a teacher but ended up taking a job in a small business that was offering a good salary. Funny thing was that the business continually expanded over the years and I changed roles as often as I could so did a variety of things like accident investigation in the 1980s and High Court litigation handling in the 1990s etc., etc., until the business got so large that it opened its own training school and I became the full time tutor for staff taking professional exams. Prior to taking that final post the firm sponsored me to take my teaching certificate and I got to teach in a state school for the teaching practice part of my assessment. I retired from my full-time career 3 years ago but still teach evening classes in the winter to enable me to buy bikes and cycling gear. The dream came true and I am still enjoying it.


New Member
I always wanted to either be a race driver, or lead guitarist in a punk rock band. At the minute I work in McDonalds, just come out of college.


Legendary Member
My mother had ambitions for me to be a doctor while my father always expressed the desire to see me bcome an actor. I pleased them both by becoming a hypochondriac.


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
when i was younger I wanted to be a pilot in the RAF, thought iit would be great, flying planes, defending my country and the people i love.
One day mum pointed out that some bad people would probably be shooting real bullets at me and I might get hurt.

After that I wanted to be a decorator.

Now, i work in a bank.

My only aim is to work for myself and provide enough income to support my family and keep them happy.
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