I wonder if working today for some sectors is harder than it used to be, and why some sectors seem to burn out before the retirement age. Clearly, not the case for the mining industry, and maybe construction (although mechanisation has made that easier I suggest).
I'm thinking that the pace has picked up enormously and that has lead to some people in certain sectors literally running out of energy. My dad retired (as a civil engineer) at 62, but only because the opportunity was there - not because he was stressed out, or worked out. Me, however, after 40 years of traveling in a world-wide engineering consultancy, working away, increasingly stupid project deadlines driven by accountants, OTT HnS, procedures, brain-dead young entrants into the profession who can't think for themselves without having a procedure to hand, politicking, and project budgets squeezed to the point that you simply cannot do the job properly, I just find I've no longer got what it takes. I just do not have the energy any more.
Do others find that, or is it just me?