There are plenty of practically incapable kids coming out of high end schooling.
I was that 'hippy parent' who would have been the subject of much derision from some on here.
Both my boys went to mainstream state, schools..
The primary one was very 'aspirational' academically, with all the little darlings (apart from mine) being taken around to after school cello, and supplementary this and that so as to get them into the local state grammar.
Even when the local comp was perfectly good, and gave (to my mind) a far more rounded education.
I used to go into the Primary, on a Friday, to run a garden club, many eleven year old I encountered there hadn't ever been taught to use a saw..
In fact it was mainly a 'mud and sticks' club.. Because just being practical, or even having fun outdoors, wasn't really on their parents agenda. (unless it was skiing holidays at Easter)
In the intervening years, quite a few of those same youth have told me how they were inspired by those experiences, to do other stuff with their lives.. Such as farming, and growing, and other practical and outdoor things, environmental work even.
So maybe we could be a little slower to judge and label, and realise that education is about much broader stuff than turning out freshly minted cogs for the unquestioning capitalistic machine.??