When is it ok to ride after a cold

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Über Member
Yep. Eye infections, sinus, chest .. not been right since December.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
yep i`ve not been on the bike for ages, got a chest infection (well Doc says my chest is clear ) been feeling crap and breathless for about 4 weeks now, got antibiotics now and was given an inhaler last week as well :biggrin: I`m hoping its going to get better soon. Sleep has been a real problem, not had a good nights rest for weeks :biggrin:


back and brave
MadoneRider1991 said:
apparently its ok for you to ride WITH a cold as long as you keep your heart rate under 130bpm is this true?

No idea but, for me at least, it'd be damned near impossible for me to ride without going over 130bpm.

I've had a cold for a few weeks now but kept thinking I was okay to ride. I did a 200km ride about 10 days ago (average 133bpm, high 161bpm). I was completely shattered at the end of it (my fault, not enough water) and okay the following day... not 100% but okay, still had the cold and a little tired (understandably, I thought).

I did the club ride the following weekend and took it easier than normal (avg 116bpm, high 160). At 80km, I was toast and took the direct route home. I was a wreck the following day; completely drained and flu-like aches in joints. I've been off the bike since (a week now) feeling pretty crap. It's only in the last 36 hours that I've begun to feel that I have only the cold... so I want to go out on the club run today!! Fortunately, I think the crap weather is doing me a favour and I'm staying indoors.

Personally speaking, unless you really really have to ride and/or CAN make yourself take it easy then I wouldn't risk it. Even with 'just' a cold, your immune system is lowered - strenuous exercise hammers it further. You're opening the door to all manner of greeblies.

I usually throw a cold in a couple of days max... it's been 2 weeks now for me, and I reckon that's my own doing. I keep setting myself back.


I have always been a 'man it out' fan till this year. I've tried to ride through a cold/sore throat/cough and am nowpaying the price, I'm now in my third week and just can't shift it.
If you're ill wait until you get better.


West Midlands
Bugger it Got a Docs appointment at the Out of Ours place 6 miles away tonight !
It was either 6 miles or go to the nearest one which is 4 miles but they could only do 10pm !
Think I have an ear infection.
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