@Yellow Saddle And that is also what I said regarding the look of wheels, deep dim are vile to my eyes, but the OP may not be of that opinion, that's his subjective opinion as it is mine.
Where this might be useful is if, once he's asked the initial question and done some research and he says I like X & Y, what do you think...10 people could say no, I found those to be a heap of junk, which the OP might find useful or he may buy them anyhow cos he likes the look.
Experience is also subjective. mine might be completely different to yours as we are different and expect and experience different things. It isn't black and white. I'm not an engineer as you seem to be though, I spend my time analysing and interpreting market research data, that is pretty subjective and what I see in the data could be completely different to the rest of the world, doesn't mean it's wrong though

I actually don't care about the technical side of anything very much, I'm more about look and feel...that could be a gender thing however
Generally if I want to upgrade my bike, I don't p!ss around with wheels, I just get a new bike
I have said he needs to budget for tyres and tubes too and that if he doesn't have a carbon fork he might consider that, to me that would be a more worthwhile upgrade than wheels, along with decent tyres if he doesn't have some already
This is the nature of forums, people ask for help and potentially subjective opinions...if you don't like it, I would suggest you don't read the threads