Wheel set upgrade

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Active Member
For as long as the chain (any chain) is connected to the sprockets, it will perform nominally, like any chain would. The only risks to a worn chain are the potential for breakage and/or corresponding wear to other components like chain rings and sprockets. None of that will affect performance. It's great that you felt the new chain was making you faster - but that's all it was - a feeling.

Bradley Wiggins seems to think to the contrary but I'm sure can correct the errors in his theory? :whistle:



Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me


you do know that's not enough evidence to justify the nay sayers - now go onto google and get some more evidence backed up with algorythms, put a few quotes on the bottom form known evidence sources and then pass it off as your research......and then and only then can you press POST....go do it now before they come back ;)

It's not evidence for anything other than the times it recorded. There are too many variables, anyone with half a brain knows that.

(No scientific papers were harmed in the making of this post.)


you do know that's not enough evidence to justify the nay sayers - now go onto google and get some more evidence backed up with algorythms, put a few quotes on the bottom form known evidence sources and then pass it off as your research......and then and only then can you press POST....go do it now before they come back ;)

What exactly are you arguing against? Science? Facts? Logic? I'm guessing all three.


Active Member
It's not evidence for anything other than the times it recorded. There are too many variables, anyone with half a brain knows that.

(No scientific papers were harmed in the making of this post.)

Debunked by Citius. His word is gospel and good enough for any scientific journal :laugh:


Debunked by Citius. His word is gospel and good enough for any scientific journal :laugh:

The claims made by Muc-Off are not supported by any independent scientific data. But because the chain was used by the god Wiggins, you suck it up. Correct?


Active Member
Why waste all that money on scientific data? They should have just come to you sir. Saved a fortune in research...


Why waste all that money on scientific data? They should have just come to you sir. Saved a fortune in research...

This is the kind of puerile reply that others on here come up with when they have nothing of value to say. You've got nothing to come back with, so start picking on the individual instead. Good work.


Active Member
Are you proclaiming that anything you have said is "of value". How vain.

I am neither stating that it made a difference or not but I don't have the arrogance to presume my opinions are gospel.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I'm playing logical fallacy bingo. So far I've got post hoc ergo propter hoc and now ad hominem. Can anyone spot any more?
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