What's your winter set.

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Presumably because it's coming from the perspective of a commuter; most of whom will be doing so during the hours of daylight for most of the year so only require lights in the winter..

I always use lights, even in bright sunshine. Given the abundance of DRL's, I just leave mine on all year.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Presumably because it's coming from the perspective of a commuter; most of whom will be doing so during the hours of daylight for most of the year so only require lights in the winter..

That’s not extra lights though is it? It’s just a lights, one front and one rear.


Legendary Member
Just wondering if I have enough lights after a few close calls this morning. Currently running one big light onto the front and four frogs eye lights on front some flashing others not. Two lights on the back one large light and a single frogs eye flashing red. Also wearing hi-viz. What's everyone else got?

it will be people trying to take you out cos your dazzling the fucj=k out them....
A bit like people who use 'day time flash' modes at night.

I do have the big light flashing during the day - on the road - but I tend to turn off the wide beam portion of it and angle it downward. It's a slow flash too.


Legendary Member
There is a lady on my route into work that's got a big light on 'flash' at the moment on the Floop. Really annoying as it's not dark, but even now it's blinding.

I have been known to surreptitiously tilt people overly bright rear lights downwards whilst waiting at the lights when I used to commute in London
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Legendary Member
Today it was odd gloves as I couldn't find a matching pair, and I cared not one jot.

I'm impressed with the USB rechargeable rear light I have. Up until 3 weeks ago I hadn't cycled since 2020; the bike had been in the shed with a mangled derailleur and snapped hanger; the light strapped to the seatpost.

View: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/533113674655471188/

I haven't charged the light up yet and it's fully bright (I do run two, one seatpost rechargeable, one rack on batteries, so I'm covered if the USB goes off suddenly)


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Having been knocked off in broad daylight when i was dressed head to foot in bright clothes with hi viz on a white bike i can confirm if they are not looking or dont give a monkeys any amount of lights etc doesnt make much difference .
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