What's your earliest memory?

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black belt lounge lizard
I recollect several things connected with living with my maternal grandmother in a prefab.
Amongst the most vivid is her chopping the head off one of the geese in the backyard
Grab the top of the neck,directly behind the head,drag it over the big wooden block & CHOP.
Blood spurting about & a headless bird silently flapping it's wings as it staggered a few yards before collapsing onto a heap.
I'd be 2 y.o. at the time.
I can see it now;plain as day after 60 years.



De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
3. Being taken to hospital in a neighbour's Ford Anglia sitting on my dad's knee while he held a towel to my forehead to stem the blood from a wide cut after my grandad saw the 7 year old foster child, they were looking after, deliberately push me down my gran's stone front steps... he wasn't there when I got back.


Cycling in the sun
I remember being sat on the sofa with my sister, and all the relations ignoring us, they were all more interested in the carry cot at the other end of the room. That sibling was born when I was just three. My aunt has told me that she took us away later that day to give my parents a bit of a rest and to spoil us.

I do also remember a line of trees along the garden fence, more as shadows across the lawn, but my Dad tells me I can't remember them as he took them out when I was very young.


I have almost photographic recall of places I've been too, even at a very age but struggle to remember specific events. I surprised my dad and a few older relatives recently by giving complete description of absolutely everything in great detail that was on my great-aunt's mantelpiece recently even though I was only about 5 when the house was demolished.

My earliest specific memory of an event I think was when I was about 2, I remember my mum and my sister who is about 10 years older than me having a row because my sister insisted on playing her new Shakin' Stevens single at full volume when my mum wanted to put me to bed. It ended up with the record being broke in two and which is possibly the most sensible thing to do with a Shakin' Stevens single. Taste in music was never my sister's strong point but I still can't help laughing every time I hear a Shakin' Stevens song. What I can't remember was what song it was.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Peel Street, Birkenhead. My Grandads house. 1972.

Fingers stuck in a mouse trap! I would have been 3. I can still hear me screaming. Aged 45 I still can't cope with those wire/wood traps!


Wow i really cant think of much..
i set my mums friends carpet on fire..she was baby sitting me ,think i was 4...
she threw me out into the snow and shut the door..i walked home..mum punched the crap out of her for this..

all i did was put some paper on the Open Fire and dropped it when it lit..as kids would do and a small fire started.
i ran and told her Fire Fire....
i have lots of childhood memories but that fire one is the earliest..

sister trying to put my head through the fish tank was funny


Legendary Member
NE England
Rather like my Maternal Grandmother I have some really early memories, including sitting in a pram with an ice cream and trying to reach out and pat a dog. I must have been under 2 years old, more like 18 months. Similarly sitting in the pram having my photo taken at Whitby. I still have the photo and I must have been under two in that one as well.
I can vaguely remember this thread when it was started nearly 2 years ago


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I can recall being sat up on a hospital bed with my Dad. I remember the smell of his stripy pyjamas. My parents pinpoint this at a time when I was six months old !

I can also recall waking up in hospital after being knocked out at my grandparents' house. I tripped up and banged my chin on the sofa putting my bottom teeth through my top lip. I still have a scar. I was about three.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
My earliest memories involve a sports day at my brother's school, and I must have been about two, he left there before I was three. I also have a vague memory of riding in a trap in Eire, cross because my sister and cousin were allowed to ride a pony, and I had to ride in the trap. Again, roughly the same timeframe, summer 1966.


Seeing pink flowers and a nice lady who smelled nice. My mother said that there were pink flowers over my playpen thing outside the house when we lived in Singapore. The lady who smelled nice would have been Lucy, the Singaporian lady who was assigned to our house. She said that I would have been about 2 because Lucy got married and was replaced by an older lady who smelled of onions. Or so I was told.
I have a memory of playing in a sandpit with other children and being hit in the face by a kid with a plastic spade. Mother said that would have been a toddlers/pre school place on base. The little sod with the spade managed to cut my face open.
I bet he wouldn't dare do it now? :smile:

Asa Post

Super Iconic Legend
Anyway, my earliest memory was being in the pram and seeing what would happen if I threw a toy (a red toy car) out. My Mum picked it up so I did it again to see if the same would happen. It did, and I got into trouble for it, so I never did it again. I even remember the location!
Spooky :eek::eek:
Almost exactly the same for me, but my elder sister was the retriever and I don't remember getting into trouble.
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