What's your earliest memory?

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I can remember lying in a pram being pushed by my grandad, being forced to smoke a cigarette at a christening by some men when i was about 4 :ohmy:, watching Winston Churchill's funeral at home eating a bowl of Ready Brek when i was 4, and going to Blackpool for the annual wakes weeks holidays in the mid to late 1960's. Someone who lived on our street told me the other year that i watched the 1966 world cup final in his house with a few other youngsters on the street. I was glad to know that i saw it as i often wondered if i did, though i have no recollection of it.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
At my granddads house between my aunties legs watching toy story on the tv.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
I never remember a thing until after breakfast.

Age-wise I can remember my 3rd birthday vividly but I have no idea if other stuff happened before or after that so I don't actually know which is my earliest.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
In a kitchen, tugging on my Mum's dress, because she was (temporarily) ignoring me in favour of my little sister, who was a baby in her arms. Little sis is 3.5 years younger, so I guess that made me about 4 then.

Or was it the one where I was swimming, in a very warm salty sea, then reaching the shore, and being surprised because I had legs that weren't there before... no, wait, I think that memory goes waaayyy back...


Re member eR
During the night my sub-conscious must have dredged up a memory for me.
When I was born I had wonky legs. Either bow legged or knock kneed I can't remember what my mum told me the problem was. Anyway the up shot of that was I had to wear callipers on my legs to straighten them out. I remember having them on, I was walking in the garden of a house we lived in Hammersmith in London so would have probably been older than 2 years. I didn't have them by the time I'd reached 4.
So maybe 3 is the earliest memory.


Legendary Member
Thanks for sharing!

Interesting stuff about the susceptibility of memory to influence. I've got two "memories" that I know I can only recall in particular because I'd had them described to me.

I've also got one that I can only remember from the viewpoint of someone else watching me. I guess I've narrated it to myself and that's how it's been stored? Maybe?


I am your Father
03.35 a.m

After that it's a blank.

I have a couple of vague memories of my real father when we lived in Northampton... one was him going down a grid (why or how it was uncovered I have no idea) to retrieve the wheel off my wheelbarrow (no idea how it came off either) - I can even tell you exactly which grid and where it was in relation to our 'home'. I also vaguely remember waiting for him to come home from work on the 'corner' of our cul-de-sac so I could have a ride on his motorbike (I understand that this was no more than about 50yds). These definitely happened before my grandparents removed us & my mum from the house not long after my brother was born in 1975 which I also remember... so I would have been almost 3.
Thankfully I don't remember much about my real father or the incident that caused my mum to leave him (he put a knife to my throat whilst drunk and threatened to kill me apparently). Somethings are best not remembered.


I am your Father
Feel 4U kid.

Don't remember my natural dad, don't need to or want to though - although I have a vague understanding of why my Mam left him from the British Army base in Cyprus.
Nothing like that though.

Best to focus on the 'good stuff' & put the rest in a little box in our brains marked 'closed' or 'out of order' or suchlike.
I have a couple of vague memories of my real father when we lived in Northampton... one was him going down a grid (why or how it was uncovered I have no idea) to retrieve the wheel off my wheelbarrow (no idea how it came off either) - I can even tell you exactly which grid and where it was in relation to our 'home'. I also vaguely remember waiting for him to come home from work on the 'corner' of our cul-de-sac so I could have a ride on his motorbike (I understand that this was no more than about 50yds). These definitely happened before my grandparents removed us & my mum from the house not long after my brother was born in 1975 which I also remember... so I would have been almost 3.
Thankfully I don't remember much about my real father or the incident that caused my mum to leave him (he put a knife to my throat whilst drunk and threatened to kill me apparently). Somethings are best not remembered.
Feel 4U kid.

Don't remember my natural dad, don't need to or want to though - although I have a vague understanding of why my Mam left him from the British Army base in Cyprus.
Nothing like that though.

Best to focus on the 'good stuff' & put the rest in a little box in our brains marked 'closed' or 'out of order' or suchlike.
thank you :thumbsup: I just wish my brother had the same "don't need to or want to though" approach. He can't/won't let go but with the only info we know on our real father (emigrated to South Africa before the UK police caught up with him from what I have been told recently) there is little hope of locating him (thankfully), though this does not stop my brother from going on and on about it.


I am your Father
thank you :thumbsup: I just wish my brother had the same "don't need to or want to though" approach. He can't/won't let go but with the only info we know on our real father (emigrated to South Africa before the UK police caught up with him from what I have been told recently) there is little hope of locating him (thankfully), though this does not stop my brother from going on and on about it.
R kid is the same - although he's never gone looking.
I believe mine stayed in the Army as a career soldier & I had a very odd "someone's been asking about you" event when I was on a training course at R.A.F St Athan - the instructor wouldn't tell me who.
Maybe your brother will see the light & then switch it off.
Good luck anyway.


Girl from the North Country
I have vague memories of the first house I lived in. I was about two and a half when we left.

My first real memory is being at a football match with my dad in July '69 - I would be two & a half. Interestingly I was supposed to be seeing the animals at a visiting circus- as a treat because they'd just brought my baby brother home from hospital. Clearly my dad was more interested in the football - I have no memory of any animals :smile:


Started young, and still going.
I can remember being in my pram, a big Silver cross thing with big wheels, the hood was up and the flap attached so the rain didn't come in. I was with a blue fluffy toy rabbit. This must of been about 1959/60 when I was about 2.
I can also remember staying at my Nan's when my mum was in hospital having my brother. That was in February 1960 when I was 2,
The next recollection I have is my first day at primary school, April 1963. A girl whose name was Hazel Fox took me into the school from my mum at the gate.
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