Cambridge is a good example of a cycling City but it's a double edged sword. The amount of cycling means that there's way more idiots out there. The ones from abroad who ride on the road on the wrong side always crack me up or worry me - depends on how dangerous it is.
have to agree with the amount of idiots in cambridge that just do not seem to get it, on any given day when I ride down hills road and then need to stop at a set of lights I will get jumped by someone who just has to park just in front of me, putting themselves either in the middle of the crossing or just entering a junction, they will then proceed to ride of soooo slowly that I need to go back past as I gather speed, then coming up to the next set of lights they do it again. It does not matter where I seem to position myself they feel the need to get away from the lights first depsite the fact they are holding everyone else behind them up.
And for most of the city centre and slightly out in the sticks riders lights at night seem to be a completely foriegn concept. If I ride home after dark down the cyclepath between the hospital and shelford I have lost count of the close calls I have had with idiots coming flying at me from the other direction out of the blackness with no lights on.
The peds in Cambridge also make it a hazodous place to ride, have damaged a couple of wheels by being forced into the huge potholes on hills road by seemingly blind people just stepping into the cycle lanes.
Overall the drivers do not seem to bad to cyclists, probably because there are so many that anyone driving in cambridge has had to adapt to us so no real complaints there.
I do have a funny off on hills road as well, coming home from a climbing trip I was heading from the city centre up to the hospital, after just coming down the bridge I clock a moped riding in the cycle line, seemed a bit strange but he was obviously having problems as I was slowly gaining on him with my computer showing only 23mph. I catch him and move out slightly to overtake, but as I make my move he spots me in his mirrors and decides to move out and give me the cycle lane, seeing as it is meant for me rather than him. We had a little collision but both were fine so no harm done.