What's the Postie brought you today?

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He hasn't been yet but I am waiting on a new BT smart hub. How exciting! :laugh:

Smart hub 6 ? Our first one delivered was faulty but BT didn't believe us for nearly 2 weeks until they sent out an engineer! They blamed Openreach for a line fault.

Second one works ok though lol



Puzzle game procrastinator!
2 Planet X saddles, sold to me at a bargain price by @Afnug.

Planet X saddles.jpg

(They came in the most securely wrapped box EVER - I gave up trying to get into it with my bare hands and had to enlist the help of a kitchen knife! :laugh:)

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
I hope you took the plastic window out of the envelope.
Yes, always rip them off and plop 'em in the plastic recycling which is next to the paper (very handy)^_^.


Legendary Member
Three day ticket to the FIA World Endurance Championship meeting at Silverstone in April. And yet more advertising cr*p from Virgin addressed to "The Householder" which will be put back in the post as return to sender.
:hyper::dance:My MASH 4077TH Army Hat has arrived.Wow it is top quality.It is excellent,i was hoping it would be decent,but it has exceeded expectations.One very happy Postman.
Thank you OSCARMANN2010 off e bay.
Is it a Cavalrymans, like Shermans though!?!?

I have a 4077th t-shirt

I sometimes wear it to work, if I drive in/get dropped off. A few of the older (my age-group) staff get the reference, & I've enjoyed discussions about it with them
One of the Consultants even used the name 'Hunni-Clarke', when he was a SHO, as tribute
We certainly have a few 'Hawkeyes', a 'Frank', a very definate 'Charles'!!!
The big decision is, which Nurse is HotLips...............................
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The story behind these,goes as follows.you may remember i slipped down the last three steps on a local bus.Only stopping,when i grabbed the handrail at the bottom.But i had swung round and nearly sat in the lap of an older lady sat on the first seat.She held her hands up as to embrace me and was sorry i had not sat on her.well i see her in the local supermarket.We have talked,she knows i keep fit with cycling.She has a disabilty shopping walking frame.She wants two wing mirrors to fit on it so she can see behind her.well i said i would scour E bay and here they are.£5 -49p.i will fit them on friday for her.
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