Juan Kog
permanently grumpy
Like you I had a new bike with a threaded headset that refused to remain adjusted. Also not a BSO , a Nigel Dean 531c frame . After trying to sort it myself and carrying headset spanner’s on every ride , I admitted defeat and took it to a recommend bike mechanic . I watched while he dismantled the headset and announced “ the frame has not been faced . So he then proceeded to set up the facing/ cutting tool and take off what seemed an alarming amount of metal . He then fitted a new Headset. End of my wobbly headset problem.I've only bought one bike that I would define as a BSO and it shouldn't have been a BSO but it was definitely a "lemon". It was a Dawes Chilliwack bought in 1997 for about £280 new. It had "Gripshift 7 x 3" transferred on the seat stays but came with Shimano Tourney SIS trigger/thumb shifters; it also had "aero tubing" stickers but round tubes. But that wasn't what made it a BSO. The (threaded) headset would not remain tight no matter how much I torqued the locknut up - it always worked loose and had to be tightened at least once each ride - I worked in a factory at the time and whilst there, I cut a couple of mini spanners from some gauge steel to carry with me. I could never ride it no-handed and if I took my weight off/loosened my grip on the bars, it would shimmy. The original bottom bracket gave up after 6 months. I never did get to the bottom of the problem but when bits started to need replacing, I salvaged what I could off it and got rid of it. It's a shame because it did look like a nice bike after I had put mudguards, Marathons and a rear rack onto it. I did manage to get about 16 years of sporadic use out of it though, including four years of short ride commuting. Photo taken about a year before retiring it permanently.
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[EDIT] If any one is reading this and thinking why didn’t he take it back to the LBS where he bought it .
To put it politely the shop manager and I had issues.
1 He tried to palm me off with a bike that was smaller and lower spec than I had ordered , he got a bit shouty When I refused to accept the bike.
2 I opted to have mudguards fitted by the shop. I lived in a small flat with limited bike fettling room .They didn’t cut the stays . I did that myself.
3 when I took it for for its 6 week service,( I know what was I thinking) it was returned with non indexing gears ,brakes rubbing and there answer to the headset problem was to just tighten it up.
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