If we're all spending our time entirely with people we already know, will casual sex decline?
And thus higher %age of births be
within relationships?
(or maybe with lots of offices on skeleton staff, all that space will lead to more office "romance" ...

Do you only have 'formal' sex with the people you know well?
Evening attire, and 'courtly' introductions..
That's very respectful of you
Different shapes of Pasta are needed for different sauces, I wouldn't cook a Carbonara with 'shells' or Macaroni with 'twists'.
Absolutely, these are fine Italian food traditions..
Not to be trifled with..
The Pen is mightier than the sword?
I'm hoping all this will lead to a rebalancing of priorities in life.
Health services, social care, education, in all their senses being reprioritised.
A massive reduction in the cost of housing, would help.
So people have more money, and time for the really important things in life.
And when folks do go back to work, why not a four day week being standard to earn enough to live on??
For years now there's been too many people overworked and stressed.
Whilst another massive cohort languish, equally stressed in other ways through underemployment, feeling a bit useless, and poorly resourced.
Surely we could have sorted this disparity out years ago if we'd wanted.
And oh look, suddenly we maybe don't need to charge around in our cars / aeroplanes quite as much as we used to think was absolutely essential.
(apart from a few numpties 'fleeing' with all of the other numpties, to the Lake District or Wales or wherever)
Maybe as we will have to rebuild large parts of our supply, and economy, we could do it a bit differently.
Make it greener, and just as much for people and planet.. Not just profit.
Food system resilience, or lack of it, is being brought home to us right now.
We could choose
not to allow chlorinated chicken in from you know where..
And grow lots more of our own..