I think you contradicted yourself there. "We" certainly is inclusive of "I", but that's neither here nor there. I'm just glad I could provide some entertainment at least.
I did have something to say but I think it went over your head. I tried to make my point gently and softened the message by saying your wheels look nice. But the point was that your review had no substance and was simply a reprint of a wheel brochure stating some facts, including the useless fact of what it weighted. It was a brag about a obviously consumptive new purchase and a self-justification for why you did it. I am sorry that I had to spell it out.
For those who now wonder what thread is under discussion, here it is:
The “special one” reference was a nudge-nudge-wink-wink reference to a previous discussion where someone claimed to have over-ruled science and who’s experiences totally contradicted reality. We get that a lot here.
Your review also tacitly perpetuated the old, old myth that wheel weight is somehow very important. Have we not debated that point very extensively right here, less than a month ago?
If you overlooked the debate, here it is:
But I am sure you peeked in at the time.
As for the OP of this thread, my take on these “upgrades” can be found in the above thread, precisely here:
Even though it predates your question, you’ll notice it predicts the outcome thereof.
Your questions regarding upgrades is a particularly good example of type of repetitive upgrade thread and it’s lapdogs who constantly chip in with the same old myth about wheels. Your desire to “ugrade” is senselessly consumptive and totally vague and devoid of any objective. Whilst that is of course perfectly within your rights to do so, I lament the pseudo-scientific reasoning always given for these purchases and the way it denies readers the truth. There are only so many things you can change on your bike, why bother asking others to list them? It is an exercise in tyre-kicking and idle chat disguised as intellectual discussion about components. It is not a genuine question even though you think so.
Go ride, show us pictures of your latest finds in the countryside. Podium photos will also carry some cred.