Watched a bit of the
'Ambulance' programme, about the London Ambulance Service
The only difference to what we see delivered to us, & Yorkshire Anbulance Service tell us, is the locality & the accents
Sadly, ParaMedics have no discretion to say "No" to a patient, if that patient, with the 4 week old cough wants to come to A&E, they have to ring them
However, then..... because they've come by AmbuTaxi. they expect to be seen straight away
The other day, I saw a patients relative getting all grumpy, but not abusive, because the GP had sent them in as a 'direct admission to the Surgical team
It was seemingly expected that they'd be waiting to whisk them off to a bed, & be attended to immediately
Sadly, it was deemed, by relative, that the GP (10 miles away???) knew what was happening in the Hospital far better than the A&E Sister (& a Consultant) with 30+ years experience between them