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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I don't have a great deal of faith in Channel 5 documentaries... but embarked on part one of Queen: The Whole Story regardless.

My suspicions were instantly raised when it starts in 1979 with Another One Bites The Dust.... so clearly C5 have aired part 2 before part 1 by mistake :laugh:


Started young, and still going.
Life after life. BBC1 and iplayer. A very good story line. A girl, born in 1910 dies at birth, or does she? Cleverly put together as she grows up through the years with traumatic incidents along the way. Is she alive, or dead. A good cast and well written script. Part 3 on tonight, but whole series on iplayer.


Well-Known Member
Started watching "Combat" with Ric Jason and Vic Morrow ... You can tell it was shot in a "Back lot" , still enjoyable all the same


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Just finished watching the last series of Ozark
I have to say Julia Garner who plays Ruth in the series has to be one of the very best actors you will ever see. A stunning performance from her.


Heavy Metal Fan
Just finished watching the last series of Ozark
I have to say Julia Garner who plays Ruth in the series has to be one of the very best actors you will ever see. A stunning performance from her.

We really liked it. Series 2 was a bit slow we thought, but the final series was excellent. Agree about Ruth, a fine actor and very suited to the role she plays (I've seen her in other stuff but it didn't sit right). The ending was qute surprising but a little rushed I thought. No real feeling of "I know how it all pans out now". But as they say, leave the audience wanting more!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Anyone else been watching Grace?
My mother's a big fan of the books so we're watching the TV series. I'm sure the books are a lot better... and what's going on with John Simm's voice? It's like a half assed attempt at a Lego Batman impression!


Legendary Member
Enjoying DI Ray & Grace.
Just dropped in to say if you've got Apple TV, then you really should must watch Severance.
Simply fabulous programme - 9 episodes x 45 minutes of slow-burning brilliance.


North Shields
Beck - I've only watched two so far, but it's Scandi noir police procedural nonsense is ticking all the boxes for me. I like how in shows like that you can see what's coming from miles away, but you still have a good time watching them, unlike a lot more dour efforts when you're left at the end thinking,

"Eh? That doesn't even make any sense."

Brain popcorn stuff, and all the better for it sometimes! Plus the guy who plays Torment in Game of Thrones, Kristofer Hiyvu, is in it and I think he's a great actor and I've got a lot of time for him, even if I will just have to gloss over 2011's 'The Thing'.


Tonight I have mostly been watching French 60s music progs on pootoob - currently grooving to Forum Musiques from 24 May 1969 - struggling about with my cruddy Franglais but the musique is fantastique - étonnant! They had Sam Gopal playing on a tiny boat on the Thames near Tower Bridge :sun:.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Just geared up for the Final S4 of Ozark - watched a youtube recap at weekend.

For the Sci-Fi fans, there is quite a lot coming in the next month or two. Obi-Wan, Stranger Things S4, West World S4, Umbrella Academy S3, For All Mankind S3, The Boys S3 and a new Star Trek, Strange Worlds (set before the original Star Trek). :bravo:


Legendary Member
I don't have a great deal of faith in Channel 5 documentaries... but embarked on part one of Queen: The Whole Story regardless.

My suspicions were instantly raised when it starts in 1979 with Another One Bites The Dust.... so clearly C5 have aired part 2 before part 1 by mistake :laugh:

At least they got it aired in time for Jubilee weekend
Last night
The Interview

FIlmed in B&W, to look like a period piece
Most of the cast was 'interviewed' by a war-correspondant
Curiously, Margaret wasn't in this episode


Father Mulcahy probably has the most thought-provoking pieces

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WopzVVFXyM

It's nowhere near as emotionally charged as the (unprepared) sermon, in the episode 'Blood Brothers' (which has a very young Patrick Swayze, as a main character!)
Please spare 4 minutes to watch :notworthy: :cry:


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvLH22RSpaY
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