Currently (re)watching a series called The Cops that came out at the end of the '90s, caused a bit of a hoo-hah, then disappeared without trace, never to be repeated, despite having won great plaudits from the critics. How unusual is that? I always wondered whether it was due to backroom arm-twisting, since it presents the police warts & all, to say the least. Sort of like The Bill with balls.
I've recently discovered that it was actually repeated, once, on UK Drama, and someone recorded it & stuck it on YouTube. It's all in 13ish minute chunks (to avoid copyright issues, I'm told), but they auto-run one to the next, so it's no great hardship. Best of all, it's every bit as good as I remember it, with bobbies on the beat doing 'real policing' (and taking drugs, shagging while on duty, fitting people up, and so on and so on) and senior officers working to 'change the culture', with much talk of proactive policing, community engagement and the like. Gritty, pulls no punches, feels exceptionally 'true'. Hooray for the internet!