What TV are you watching?

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Über Member
The least expected day - Netflix's docu about most recent Movistar season. Despite being obviously well sanitized it still offers fascinating insight into this dysfunctional family. It's great to see humble beginnings of Carapaz and Quintana.


Legendary Member
I finally got round to watching the last 4 parts of Good Omens while bike fettling today.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Edwardian Farm... not enjoying it as much as Tales From the Green Valley (farming 1620 style), but it's still an interesting escape from the world we live in.

I seem to recall a CC regular was involved with one of these series? (off to find the Have you been on telly thread)


Been watching all 7 seasons of Homeland on Netflix and finally got through to Ep12 of S7 today. Then went to All4 to start watching S8 and episodes 1 to 3 aren't on there as the availability must have timed out. Can only watch Ep4 onward.
So fecking annoying. I'll now have to wait and see if Netflix will stream this last and final series, which may not be til next year.


Never used Über Member
Been watching all 7 seasons of Homeland on Netflix and finally got through to Ep12 of S7 today. Then went to All4 to start watching S8 and episodes 1 to 3 aren't on there as the availability must have timed out. Can only watch Ep4 onward.
So fecking annoying. I'll now have to wait and see if Netflix will stream this last and final series, which may not be til next year.

All4 can be a bit mystifying sometimes.
Gotham always showed as "unavailable" through the All4 app on our smart telly, but was available through what appeared to be the same All4 app on our NowTV stick, so it might be worth looking if you have alternative options.


All4 can be a bit mystifying sometimes.
Gotham always showed as "unavailable" through the All4 app on our smart telly, but was available through what appeared to be the same All4 app on our NowTV stick, so it might be worth looking if you have alternative options.

It seems to be that after each episode is aired on CH4, its only available for a few weeks on All4. I notice even Ep4 will be gone by tomorrow.
Tried All4 on my computer and its the same as on on smart tv app. I dont have NowTV so i cant try that.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
after several friends recommended it, I started watching You (netflix) last night... finding it very creepy. Too early to rate.


Far East Sussex
Ozark is heating up nicely; three more episodes of season 3 for me. I loved it when
the hitman got a bit of free therapy in before wasting the therapist, who you knew wasn't long for this world even before she turned up at the house driving that yellow batmobile or whatever it was.
Been watching all 7 seasons of Homeland on Netflix and finally got through to Ep12 of S7 today. Then went to All4 to start watching S8 and episodes 1 to 3 aren't on there as the availability must have timed out. Can only watch Ep4 onward.
So fecking annoying. I'll now have to wait and see if Netflix will stream this last and final series, which may not be til next year.
This final series is a goody!


Currently (re)watching a series called The Cops that came out at the end of the '90s, caused a bit of a hoo-hah, then disappeared without trace, never to be repeated, despite having won great plaudits from the critics. How unusual is that? I always wondered whether it was due to backroom arm-twisting, since it presents the police warts & all, to say the least. Sort of like The Bill with balls.

I've recently discovered that it was actually repeated, once, on UK Drama, and someone recorded it & stuck it on YouTube. It's all in 13ish minute chunks (to avoid copyright issues, I'm told), but they auto-run one to the next, so it's no great hardship. Best of all, it's every bit as good as I remember it, with bobbies on the beat doing 'real policing' (and taking drugs, shagging while on duty, fitting people up, and so on and so on) and senior officers working to 'change the culture', with much talk of proactive policing, community engagement and the like. Gritty, pulls no punches, feels exceptionally 'true'. Hooray for the internet!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
... The new Demon Headmaster on CBBC is good, even if I am around 40 years older than its target audience :okay:
I forgot I'd started watching this and have recently been catching up... if any youngsters enjoyed the original series in the 90s, I can highly recommend this revival, even if you are all grown up now.
Got home from work, at 20:30
Whilst re-hydrating (tea), I watched the 'Brian Johnson ; Life On The Road' programme, where he met Dolly Parton

https://www.sky.com/new-search/bria...d/episodes/season-2/episode-1?q=brian johnson

I know of Dollys early life, the harsh way she grew up, her early career
The wonderful story of such songs as 'Coat Of Many Colours', which, if I'm in the right (wrong?) frame of mind can still bring tears to my eyes (as I know it's biographical)

Her offering employment to family, & the locals, where she grew up via 'Dollywood'
The college scholarships she offers

Heck!!!, plus her Imagination Librarys

What a woman!! :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
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