What to do with old drinks bottles?

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Internet Marketing bod
I can't be the only person here who seems to amass knackered old scratched up leaky water bottles, so what do you do with them when they're no longer fit for their original purpose?

At the moment I give them a quick scrub and they spend a few days as a toddler toy before being discarded by said toddler in her mission to try and eat cat food... AGAIN!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
You could saw the top off to leave a cyclindrical pot, and use them as storage pots for pens and stuff. Or then drill some holes in the bottom and put plants in them. Herbs on a window sill in a row of them might look good.

Check the type of plastic they are made of to see if they are recyclable locally - your local rules will be different to mine. There should be a triangle on the base with a number in it telling you the type of plastic. Or your council might just take all plastics.

As toddler toys - collect 9 or 10, weight the bases a little with some playdough, or maybe a small amount of plaster poured in and left to set, and make skittles. How much you weight the base depends on how hard and heavy a ball you want your toddler to be throwing around. Unweighted, a soft foam or felt ball might be enough to knock them down.


Man or Moose!
Toss them in the bin! Or turn them into a carrying device for carrying your inner tubes and tools? I have on a couple of occasions stuffed my waterproof inside a bidon and stuck it on the bike.


Evidence based cyclist
I wonder if a translucent one could be upended and used as a mini greenhouse or plant cosy for frost sensitive plants.


South Somerset
You could saw the top off to leave a cyclindrical pot, and use them as storage pots for pens and stuff. Or then drill some holes in the bottom and put plants in them. Herbs on a window sill in a row of them might look good.


Brilliant :highfive:

Strawberry plants grow in almost anything btw.


Internet Marketing bod
I wonder if a translucent one could be upended and used as a mini greenhouse or plant cosy for frost sensitive plants.

I'm amazed my wife hasn't suggested this; she's a proper old fashioned apprenticed horticultural lass!


Internet Marketing bod
As toddler toys - collect 9 or 10, weight the bases a little with some playdough, or maybe a small amount of plaster poured in and left to set, and make skittles. How much you weight the base depends on how hard and heavy a ball you want your toddler to be throwing around. Unweighted, a soft foam or felt ball might be enough to knock them down.

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