What temperature do you set your thermostat?

What temperature do you set your thermostat?

  • An Inuit would shiver

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • 10/15c

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • 16/18c

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • 19/20c

    Votes: 26 40.6%
  • 21/23c

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • 24/26c

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 27/ 🔥

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • What's a thermostat?

    Votes: 5 7.8%

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Itching to get back on my bike's
16 degrees


Devotee of OCD
We had a new boiler last November, it came with one of those fancy Google Thermostats, which is very good you can place it where you want in the house, it's currently in the living room set at 19 deg for getting up and evening periods I between it's at 9, depending on room temp it switches on the heating at different times to achieve the setting temp at the set time.

Great to hear ! New Boiler system going in later month here: with a Google thermostat. Ours is currently in the Hall (From house being built) too….

So many improvements coming up we hope 😁


As long as I breathe, I attack.
MrsPete is prone to upping it into the low 20's sometimes but I soon drop it back down again 😂

ahh yes thermostat wars :smile:
we used to have it set higher but when the prices skyrocketed last time stuff was turned down and it stayed down, i do try to turn it down more if i can get away with it .


I keep mine set around 18 degrees constantly.
I've found it costs just as much to just simply maintain it at 18 degrees 24/7 as opposed to switching it off when I go to work and then putting it on when I get home.
Heating a stone cold house eats through the gas.
My theory is that once the air space is warm you also warm the walls,the floor and everything thing else inside it and it's cheaper to maintain that temp as opposed to blasting the boiler at full wack when the house is stone cold.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I don't set mine because I don't know how to set mine, plus I don't know If I have one or where it is If I do have one, but if I did have one I'd have it as high as possible. I do have my central heating on as high as possible, controlled by these things.


I voted.... 27/ 🔥Votes: 12.0% by the way

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I don't set mine because I don't know how to set mine, plus I don't know If I have one or where it is If I do have one, but if I did have one I'd have it as high as possible. I do have my central heating on as high as possible, controlled by these things.

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I voted.... 27/ 🔥Votes: 12.0% by the way

i believe that's a TRV (thermostatic radiator valve), so it should heat up radiators only when necessary , again, i believe :tongue:
I'm sat here with a t shirt, fleece top, hooded top with hood up and woolly hat on and its still cold. The gas fire is on as well.
Its just very cold.
I'm decorating a large lounge as well and its terrible with all the wallpaper cold and slimy and the sloshing about of water/ washing up liquid to get the paper off.
Next week is going to be a bit warmer so hopefully I can paint it then but not at the moment because all the window will have to be opened wide.


Legendary Member
We set the Hall thermostat to maximum and have TRV's in on every radiator - these we adjust as necessary.


This winter I've been experimenting with a different strategy. I have turned the boiler thermostat all the way down. Our boiler is a Glow Worm 50 FF which has an output between 11.7 and 14.7 kW. It was installed about 25 years ago when chuck a big boiler in and crank the radiators up to a really high temperature. Several years ago I changed the radiators from single panel to double panel K2, and increased the size. I know leave the heating on for longer with a lower boiler temperature. It certainly feels a lot more comfortable.


Eh up
We set the Hall thermostat to maximum and have TRV's in on every radiator - these we adjust as necessary.

So what stops the boiler if all the radiators are set below the max on the thermostat, wont the boiler keep running ? or am I missing something here.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I don't have a thermostat. I have a wood burner that heats my whole house. 20 deg in my living room at the moment. The bedrooms will be around 17 deg.
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