What should i do ?

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Active Member
Basically im saving for a triban 3 and i temped to buy the bike but i want save enough so i can buy accessories and clothes at the same time what are your opinions ?


Buying the accessories at the same time will not get you any discounts at decathlon. Buy the bike and get cycling. Buy the things you need bit by bit
There is no point buying a bike at this time of year without front and rear lights. However, Decathlon include (crappy) lights many of their bikes, so you may be able to get some to get you started.

Also, I was in Decathlon in February and stocks of Triban 3 were very low. The told me they were not getting new stock until the new season bikes arrived several months later. So, if you wait too long you might end up waiting until April!!


Über Member
Get it bought. You can ride without special clothing, you don't need a computer and if only riding in daylight you don't need lights [depends on how you are going to use the bike at first but DON'T ride it about in the dark without 'em, even cheapo LED types are better than nothing], I would try for a track pump however as you're a bit stuffed if the tyes are flat. Try shopping around for the bike too, it's easier to try for a deal if you can say "Yes but XYZ are offering it £20 cheaper"
Buy it now!
I got 5% off mine a few weeks ago in Coventry. They had loads in stock and a delivery batch in just waiting for checking over. There is still loads of kit I need but no cash to buy them, but at least I am out there riding with my Lidl kit (-;


Legendary Member
You can always get cheap kit in Lidl, Aldi, Sports Direct, on eBay, even on here through the Classifieds (and sometimes free for the cost of the postage or a charity donation if people have kit they don't need any more)

Get the bike and lights (£20 should get you ok fronts and rears for city riding) - you can always ride in jeans, an anorak and a £3 builders waistcoat (I can send you a free Skyride one if you give a £1 to Unicef) :smile:


Über Member
Buy the bike. Buy a track Pump, mini pump, tyre lever, spare tube. Ride the bike.

You do not need special kit.

Buy lights when you decide to ride in the dark.
Buy puncture proof tyres if/when you're fed up with flats.
Buy padded shorts if you start to chafe.

Buy your way out of problems. Do not buy new things in anticipation of them, unless you have oodles of cash to burn.

If there is anyone that thinks anything of you for how you're dressed when riding a bike then they're a tool.

Everyone here could spend £10,000 on bike kit if forced too. But I'm damned sure that if anyone here was offerred an all expenses paid 2 week holiday to The Alps, with the only condition being that they could only wear clothing purchased in Asda, they'd still all go and manage to ride every single day.


Active Member
Buy the bike. Buy a track Pump, mini pump, tyre lever, spare tube. Ride the bike.

You do not need special kit.

Buy lights when you decide to ride in the dark.
Buy puncture proof tyres if/when you're fed up with flats.
Buy padded shorts if you start to chafe.

Buy your way out of problems. Do not buy new things in anticipation of them, unless you have oodles of cash to burn.

If there is anyone that thinks anything of you for how you're dressed when riding a bike then they're a tool.

Everyone here could spend £10,000 on bike kit if forced too. But I'm damned sure that if anyone here was offerred an all expenses paid 2 week holiday to The Alps, with the only condition being that they could only wear clothing purchased in Asda, they'd still all go and manage to ride every single day.

i have thought about this the reason i want to get bike clothes because when i was test riding the bike it wasn't comfortable in jeans and there are few thing im gonna need thats one reason why thinking of waiting


Active Member
Buy the bike.

Then ebay is good, for items cheap.

I used to (and still do here and there) wear old joggers and a sweat top, you dont need special clothes.
but the clothes are more aerodynamic because they fit to ur skin meaning more speed and thats one reason i want a road bike speed and comfort


when i was test riding the bike it wasn't comfortable in jeans
Try chinos? No, seriously, thinner (on average) material will mean less of a seam between you and the saddle. Or tracky bottoms as suggested by Peteaud, or football kit, just experiment a bit within your current wardrobe and you'll probably find something that works in the short term for shorter distances.


Legendary Member
Yes but you don't need them immediately...in the cold weather you won't be in such skin tight stuff and given how wet and slippy the roads are right now, you'll want to be more cautious anyhow

You can get padded shorts for £20 if that fussed (but you'll need something to cover the rest of your legs)

You're not going to be going very fast without the bike :smile:

Buy the bike and then you have lots of ideas for Christmas presents :smile:
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