What secretly annoys you?

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Rural Kent
Oh, and no real secret, but people who stop to let me through an obstruction on my side of the road. I've planned ahead and am in the process of slowing down and possibly matching my speed to clear the obstruction, if not actually in the process of pulling to a stop; gearing down and braking. I've gone to all that trouble to do things in the proper manner of the way things are, and you have ****ing ruined my day with your ridiculously mistimed and pointless courtesy. Twat.
I had a really bad one once. Bloke in a flash car pulled into the top of my road to let me drive out from behind some cars which were parked just before my road, when I had already pulled in to give him his right of way. It was dark so I couldn't indicate with my hand where I was trying to go, ie the side road he'd just blocked. Stupid man couldn't conceive of the idea of someone who didn't just want to roar through the village. Eventually I signalled left and he had to pull out and do a pettish little roar past me. I hope he looked in his mirror and saw me turn into the road he had been blocking LIKE A BIG OLD *RSE.


Charming but somewhat feckless
Oh, and people who fart in the tent!! xx(

..and then go back to their own tent.



I am your Father
People who regularly finish a spoken sentence with an unnecessary and rising intonation. :cursing:

My good lady doesn't use hot enough water to rinse cleaned drinking glasses, therefore, they always dry streaky. Don't think she's got one right in over 20 years. :cursing: :cursing::cursing:
I am immediately thinking Uni students at the rising final words comment.

Gets my goat every time that one.


I am your Father
Now you all need to learn to relax a bit more, all that rage is no good for your health.

Nice one stephec.

My favourite ad of this ilk is the "you give me road rage" drinks ad with the Rasta, can't remember the brand.


back and brave
English football commentators only when England are playing , they are great on club games or commentating on other nations but when England are playing it is if they are watching another match .

Cripes, you ought trying watching l'equipe de France on French tele! You'd swear the commentators are on the playing staff!


Some people at work who tell you every little detail of their life, when I am clearly not interested. Never want to listen to anything you have to say but instead just use it as an opener ..... to talk more about themselves.
And they wonder why i don't say much.
This happened the other day...one guy was twittering on, bigging himself up..and NO-ONE was Interested, no-one was making eye contact with him, just looking at the floor, wishing it'd swallow him up and relieve them of the tedium of listening to him
If you're talking and the recipients are looking at anything but you...they're bored or not interested in what you have to say...its not rocket science...but apparently some people haven't realised this...that annoys me.


back and brave
I don't much like the word 'eclectic'... not that I browse the lonely hearts' columns or anything.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Finally found a silent niggle - folk who repeatedly introduce their medical history into every non relevant topic of conversation and correspondence and seemingly define themselves by their ailments. I only need to be informed once and need no further reminders nor do I need to have new ailments introduced when the original ones lose their cachet.

I sometimes wonder how they manage to stay alive or function.
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Active Member
Businesses (normally cafes) that say they close at 5pm but won't serve anything but drinks after 4.30pm. Shut at 4.30 then!!
Also seen in sandwich bars that won't make you a sandwich after 3pm and bakers with no bread left after 2pm.
Bake more bloody bread then!! Grrr!!
....and breathe.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Businesses (normally cafes) that say they close at 5pm but won't serve anything but drinks after 4.30pm. Shut at 4.30 then!!
Also seen in sandwich bars that won't make you a sandwich after 3pm and bakers with no bread left after 2pm.
Bake more bloody bread then!! Grrr!!
....and breathe.

Try using a passport that's over nine and a half years old. I wasn't let out of the UK for a fortnight's holiday in Rhodes because some fool at the passenger gate didn't know the validity rules for passports. There would have been four months left on my passport upon my return from Rhodes. I had to get an emergency renewal of my passport from Glasgow and lost a day and a half of my holiday. Yes, the original was valid for travel to Greece - I checked with the Greek embassy. The check in desk staff at Manchester couldn't believe that I'd been stooped from boarding my original flight in Leeds.

I didn't silently fume with this one. I ranted at all who would listen including the supercilious git at the passport office in Glasgow who remonstrated with me for not checking if I could travel using the passport. It's a ten year passport! Not a nine and a half year passport!!!!!
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