What not to wear on the road

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105% knowledge on 105
So it's ok to wear all the team kit right ( only joking , warped sense of humour)
Only with 8mates in same kit and at 30 mph plus


Active Member
North Atlantic
I'm prolly going to hash this explanation up a little but: In professional racing they rate the climbs in percentages, ratios and categories. Categories are 1, 2, 3 and HC. HC is the hardest of all mountain climbs... Most Brits wont really see anything other than a 2.

Might be slightly misleading as the rating is 4,3,2,1,HC (easiest->hardest)
and not 1,2,3,HC.

Think of it as a hill that you can ride in fourth gear of your car, more steep and you need to shift down into third, second and then first. Hors Categorie is then too steep for a car (or was in the 30s at least)

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'd like to wear a king of the mountains polka dot jersey but i don't think it's allowed if you can only climb steep hills at 5 mph!:blush: I'd also like to wear a Giro d' Italia pink race leaders jersey but i live and mostly cycle in east Lancashire. Too many troglodytes around here would ridicule such an item!:sad:


extimus uero philosophus
I'd like to wear a king of the mountains polka dot jersey but i don't think it's allowed if you can only climb steep hills at 5 mph!:blush: I'd also like to wear a Giro d' Italia pink race leaders jersey but i live and mostly cycle in east Lancashire. Too many troglodytes around here would ridicule such an item!:sad:

TBH I would feel kind of odd in a rainbow jersey or a leader of the race jersey.... I saw loads of those on the Sky Ride a few weeks back. I certainly wouldnt stop people from buying or wearing but not for me personally.


Baldy Go
I have a day job. If I want to spend the money I earn on carbon frames and team kit I will.

Loving the influx of financial and fashion advisors on here of late. If anyone actually listened to you, we'd all be riding triban3's or BSO's from Tesco and wearing LIDL shorts with flat shoes.

Get a grip..

I ride a triban 3, wear LIDL shorts and flat shoes and do most of mi shopping in Tesco......................................:sad:........where can I get one of these grips of which you speak?


Well-Known Member
The club I ride with wear a mix of team kit, club kit, branded kit and Aldi/Halfords gear. All without any judgement! Just wear what suits you and your budget and more importantly stops you from getting arrested for indecent exposure! ;)
I'd like to wear a king of the mountains polka dot jersey but i don't think it's allowed if you can only climb steep hills at 5 mph!:blush: I'd also like to wear a Giro d' Italia pink race leaders jersey but i live and mostly cycle in east Lancashire. Too many troglodytes around here would ridicule such an item!:sad:
Love to wear pink, just never found a shirt thats right, all are female unless someone points me in the direction of a Tesco value one.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I like the look of team kit. I don't own any but that's down to the fact I'd probably get moaned at for buying more stuff rather than thinking i'd look daft. Id love a team kit set up. Mr H, loving your whole team outfit, looks the business.


back and brave
Have we all said the same thing enough times yet? Or is this question going to be repeatedly asked!

Methinks a sticky is in order, one that says 'wear what you f-ing well like!'


Active Member
North Yorkshire
i am completely new to the road and want to buy some nice kit without looking like a tool

My view is that you should wear what you think you look good in, what is comfortable, and what is practical for the riding you do. Bella in selle and all that...

If you feel good you'll ride good and if you ride good you'll never look a tool.
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